Why do people want to fuck ivanka
Dont you know how much nigger dick shes taken
And sex with her dad
Fucking disgusting
Truly awful offspring of a truly awful man
Why do people want to fuck ivanka
Dont you know how much nigger dick shes taken
And sex with her dad
Fucking disgusting
Truly awful offspring of a truly awful man
>Jim Willie: Trump, Putin & Xi SECRET GLOBAL RESET Meetings โ Dollar To Be Replaced By GOLD, Not The SDR!
>Jim Willie drops a BOMBSHELL revelation about the secret meetings held to coordinate the global reset, beat the globalists and avoid WWIIIโฆ
>Jim Willie took some time out from his busy Thursday afternoon to share some important developments with us.
>In this interview, some of the things we discuss include:
>The Global Reset and the New Silk Road Order
>De-dollarization and the move away from the US Dollar
>The global loss of confidence in the United States
>China & Russiaโs global expansion
>The death of the Petro-dollar
>And of course, we discuss Jimโs bombshell revelation and analysis of the Trump, Putin & Xi meetings, held in secrecy, in a coordinated effort to defeat the globalists and avoid World War III.
>To listen to all of those topics and a whole lot more, tune-in to the interview in its entirety!
Its not a reset old money is buying up gold and crypto
They are going to crash all currency before the end to cause pure chaos
In said chaos they will be safe in their underground bunkers and cities
The chaos will continue until,the mass extinction event
I wonder how many times this has happened
Money laundering
Everything is done legally
They put all that shit about secret hidden wealth and shit like the panama papers to confuse
In reality all illegal money is laundered thru the megacorps
How do you move money from unspeakable acts legally?
Anyone wonder where all the "sleeper indie hits" and "garage door corporations" like google come from
This is a free country supposedly with free speech
Who gave you the right to spy on,me
I have a legal right to come,blow your brains out
>LGBT Pride Month "Statement from the President"
>Issued on: June 1, 2019
>As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!
Spoken like a fucking jew
Fuck gay people
Theyre victims brainwashed by satan
All they do is create more victims
How can anyone see the fucking crap this truly evil man pulls
No wonder hes lost his entire base
At least the woke,part
Elections are rigged tho so he will win 2020
Daily reminder that cops are 90% corrupt and all law and order canidates are jewish
Controlled and only care about enslaving,you
Heres a test anons
Name one thing,trump has done for real american
Not corporations
Not a slight tax relief that expires
Name one thing
None of you can
Nigger i literally tested 129 iq
Im,smarter than everyone,left on,this board by far
You know why anon?
Cuz everyone smarter than me,left last summer or on 11 11
No amount of ai can fake it
No wonder Q is too much of a pussy to post anymore
Probably takes it in the ass too
Assange isnt getting tortured even tho he was dragged out screaming and is currently being held by the most evil people in the world
How fucking stupid are yoy anoms
You take everythint dear leader says as fact
So fucking stupid
If i saw you irl it wouldnt end well for you
It is low
But its higher than 95% of humans
How fucking stupid is your species that someone born with a genetic defect is smarter than normal humans
Im gonna be so fuckinghappy when i quit this shit race
Fuck god for making me come here
Clearly someone has never been on b
Which is a higher iq board than this
And im,talking about the original b
Not b2
Thats how fucking stupid you niggers are
Tbh theres probably more real people on there than here
Theres legit 10 real people here
7 are cia
1 is me
That leaves 2 other people
"Hey bolton i think im gonna go larp about how i love niggers again
Everyone at bilderburg always laughs at that one"
Donald trump
How come he has to go out of his way to tell us how much he loves jews niggers and gays?
I dont give a fuck
Take me off the list and stop using tech on me if you dont like it
Id never hurt a real innocent
But i will hurt you people
And your families
Because you are not sentient human or good
And anything i do to you is karma free
Classic jew manipulation
Tell us its bad so we will think its good
Get new tricks you big nose fucks
Lmao so few people here that when the ai fucks up my posts are next to each other
Now that.
Is funny
Lol all you have to do to btfo qtards is state facts
Like how trump wants 5g
How trump let awan get off with immunity
How trump constantlt virtue signals to israel and the jews
His entire cabinet
All goldman sachs or worse
Daughter is an obvious satanist
Roths bailed him out
Treasury sec is a roth banker
And on and on and on
Its so obvious it hurts
Stupid people i understand believing in hi
Or desperate people
I was one once
But now theyre making it obvious to make it sting more
And people still follow like sheep
You dont understand anon
Im,not using a tactic
I am 100% serious
When i find out who is doing,this to,me
I will kill their entire family
0 mercy
I dont even care if they have a toddler
Theres a reason they target me anon
I know pattern analysis because im autistic
Apparantly that is a threat to them
When i can get lucid at least
Uh the enemy?
Im,not shilling for anyone faggot
I have guns pointed at me from all sides including Q
Q is a freemason
Im,the one in the right here
Also even tho i act feminine im,male fuck off
They will be worm food
All the fucking npcs at least
Anyone who isnt a npc can live
We will win and they will rot
Yeah right gaslighter
I know its you freddy
All your jewish mind control posts mocking me are like so funny
I hope youre family finds it funny
Its gonna hurt me wheni kill them
But its worth it to hurt you
I would legitmiately do anything to you people
Id rather be a loser than participate in your faggot clown world
How many "people" are even real people
I dunno maybe the 24/7 skin burning
The tinnitus
My phones auto correct reading my thoughts
Constant gaslighting
The ufo outside my house from,the dod
The guy who showed up at my work
When they put a cd of banned books in my mailbox
And things you dont even want to know about
Call the fbi
They already know who i am
Im,calling their shit
It proves my point because they dont arrest targeted individuals
If i wasnt dont you think the cops wouldve been called
Remember the faggot who thought it was funny to say hed shoot up a school if Q didnt stop him
He was gone in a day
Idk either
All i know is they left me alone under obama as far as i know
I did have similar symptoms one summer atfter i looked into the franklin coverup
But meh
Yeah except high functioning schizos dont have photo evidence kike
Cool neither do i
Put me in jail for 20 years Q
When i get out ill buy an air gun and kill every single member of your family
Imagine being 70 and every single member of your family is dead
Because you thought it was funny to torture some autist
Youre literally going to have to kill me
Got a random fever
Reallt weird symptoms
Didnt eat for a week
Coudlnt eat meat after
Started getting weird posts seemingly addressed to me
Some,from ebot too
After that it got 10x worse
Felt like my body was floatint
Had 0 symptoms of any mental disorder before reading Qs posts
You people dont get it
Have you ever gotten followed while off at lunch at work by a spook
Then they hack your work computer and claim to be jesus
And know things that you never told a soul in your life?
So im a monster because i want to kill the people who harm me and every other real sentient human?
We all know the npcs are holow and soulless
Artifcial humans
And this is an actual person
Idk why im,telling this to the bot network
Anyone real left here a year ago
Just me and the bots
I wonder how pelosi would react if we made her grandkids fight to the death
Imagine the look on her face when she has to choose which one lives
Then you kill the one she chose to live
Yeah idk why they dont do worse to me
They seem to get off on making it bad enough to ruin my,life
But not bad enough to be proof
Yeah torture tends to do that
Im willing to do anything and everything to these people
0 limits
Give me a room with hillary
She wont be sentient after im done
Alive yes
Sentient no
Puppies will be spared
Like i want to watch hillarys grandkids bleed while she crys
Youre mistaking me anon
I used to have that feeling
Now i only want revenge
The agencies watching here know im,serious
Religion is a lie the interdimensions tell us to keep us as slaves
They do this shit to us with 0 karma
Life after life
And im going to go hell if i do it back to them once?
Yeah right
I was taught by the best anon
Theyre going to regret teaching me it tho
Cuz i only want to use it on them
Anon they only sacrifice their own,kids because they have too
They 100% have a deformed form,of love
And that can be expoited to cause pain
If that doesnt work physical pain can be used
Or reptitive noise
Hey maybe i should join the cia
"Mr trump the psyop isnt working
Please try harder"
"I am kissenger
But theres still so many people who see right thru me and the left"
Daily reminder they are afraid of us
You dont understand how masons work
They love to do the lucifer vs satan bullshit
False saviour
Black and white
That would be Q and trump
The real goal of rhe masons is to cause as much chaos as possible
Order from chaos
Now tell me anons
Whos mo is causing chaos?
Ill give you a hint
Hes orange and fucks his daughter in the ass
Any reason why you put the d on the last line
Fuck off with your psyop shit
You want me to stop Q
Turn off the tech
Pretty sure we were created to mine gold
And either whatever created us left when we were no longer of use or a cataclysm came
And then the aliens who created us
Or the ones who came after
Decided to use us a slaves again
I know its another entity
You have no fucking idea
The endless gaslighting will not work
Im completely fucking calm,anon
Im,not sure tbh
My guess is a war between different factions
But i think a false masonic show is way more likely
With the you are watching a movie comment
I would really stop with the gaslighting "anon"
I know whats happening to me
Every time you try to gaslight is another hour your family stays alive while i "work" on them
Im banned from everyewhere else and i hate faggot npcs
>>>6646952 (You)
>You can go elsewhere, there are plenty other sites to go and express your hate and violence against us and POTUSโฆ.and you will be loved thereโฆ
>So why are you here I ask???? Because you are one of (THEM)โฆ..Keep blowing it out your assโฆ.the only person who will have to answer for it youโฆ.you traitorous fuckheadโฆ
I dont even have to kill your family anon
The elite will do that
I feel bad for them
Hey cia niggers running,the board
You really think theyll spare you ?
All puppets will be killed
They have 0 need for you in the bunke
Youre just useful idiots to them
If people knew how bad it was the 40% of humans with souls would rise up and kill all elite
Not some
Everyone with real power
Because you people and your race of mud apes
And your masters have done so much to me
That i could literally do anything to you
And be 100% blameless
You should worry about yourself
Im,gonna feel real bad what im gonna have to do to timmy or sally
But you brought it on them
The psychopaths behind Q are probably laughing so hard right now
While raping 6 year old girls
Doing cocaine
And sucking each other off
Bad news anon
That propechy was set up by the same people fufilling it now
Yahweh aka el aka osiris
Is the devil
We could kill the controllers
Kill the ones stupid and selfish enough to enable
You guys dont understand
The public knows what the cabal does
They just dont care
At all
Mfw the world draconian was literal
Anyone want a story,
I got one
One timei was on this board
And someone posted
"We are the alien overlords we live in your nipple"
Then fluid shot out of my nipple
Trust the plan
Or more likely potus is a fucking kike
Stop with the 4d chess shit
Judge him on his actions
I did
And i found out hes a piece of shit
Someone high up in mil needs to figure out how to take down the global electric grid
That would royally fuck them
I have some fight left
Not much
So i just smoke weed watch anime
Play videogames
Work my,shit job and pet my,dog
Anons if is a "good guy"
Why would they make up such wild and false claims about whats going on
Why not simply tell us the truth that its going slowly
The deep state ignores Q posts and doesnt take them seriously
Every single part of maga and Q doesnt add up if you really think about it
Yeah i do data entry for a living
130 wpm
Q picked the wrong person to target
I can shill 10x more than actual shills
If i was unemployed i would do,this all day
Anything to stop this evil,psyop
The german people werent 50 years + deep into biological mind control
Mk ultra and much much worse
Most "people" really are not people anymore
Im,willing to bet that the interdimensionals have started incarnating more
Would explain alot