Jeezus what’s next for pdop, a “leaked” sex tape?
Why do so many people write fucking books.
Jeezus what’s next for pdop, a “leaked” sex tape?
Why do so many people write fucking books.
If Huber was a decoy and Sessions was truly comped, as Gateway Pundit put it, then this whole fucking this was a ruse. You understand that right?
If Q sez “Trust Sessions” and Sessions turns out to be a paper bag, then that’s not misinformation. That’s straight up wishful thinking. That’s what somebody who doesn’t ACTUALLY know what’s going on HOPES is happening.
This Huber/Sessions shit might be a sign that we been played in one of two ways:
the whole thing is really Sean Hannity
Q is real, but they are going to decommission the operation, make whatever arrests they can, and put the rest of this away forever.