Thanks for taking the kitchen heat, baker!
Information overload, anon. So much to keep track of.
And you're here for hours and hours shitposting anti Q faggotry, for what? To save the world from Q? Because you love /qresearch/ anons sooooo much and can't stand to see them misguided? Like you're a fucking missionary or some shit? Like a faggot version of Mother Theresa saving the poor and wretched of Calcutta?
You realize how patently fake and gay that is, right? You need another angle. Your efforts are a complete waste of time. 100%. It would be sad if it weren't funny.
The corrected twat is missing 3 letters:
O and I (from the body) and Q as an appendix.
The capitalized letter is J.
Subtract 3 from J, you get G.
>Nigger i literally tested 129 iq
Literally? Not figuratively? Or hypothetically?
Anyway, 129? You how many anons are snickering at that? You are a joke.
Hoping for improvements to the media server SOON.