Anonymous ID: cd6187 June 1, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6646530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6544

oiJ search



General Directorate

Is responsible for directing and coordinating all the overall activities of the OIJ.


General Secretariat

Coordinates everything related to the budgetary system of transport and radio; assigns the distribution of researchers in different sections.


Criminal Investigations Department

It is responsible for search and collect all tests necessary and to make inquiries relevant to the proper clarification of the case. It is composed of:




Economic and Financial Crimes



Against property

Division Thefts

Division of Assaults and Theft vehicles Operational Support Unit

Section Juvenile

Speculation in Transit

Various Crimes

Kidnappings Unit

Sexual Crimes

Family and Against Life

Receive Complaints

Prison and Transportations

Police Service Immediate Intervention (SPII)

Plans and Operations

Research Background Screeners


Museum Criminology is located in the building of the OIJ in the First Judicial Circuit of San Jose.

Department of Legal Medicine

Its primary function is to carry out the autopsies, reconnaissance, and other examinations in respective cases that require it. Evacuate medical consultations forensics applied to the Agency.


It is composed of different sections:


Clinic Medical

Forensic Pathology

Psychiatry and Psychology

Forensic Medicine Labor

Criminal Objectives Deposit

Criminal Museum

Canine Unit

Account in addition to the Chair in medicine of University of Costa Rica as a teacher. And the Medico-Legal Council and believes that rules on medico-legal aspects that occurred in judicial proceedings when requested by the court. The Department of Forensic Medicine is at the Forensic Complex, San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia.


Forensic Science Laboratory

Technically analyzes each of the evidence gathered during investigations. What are the following sections:


Analysis and structure of dubious documents

Forensic biology


Photo and video

Physical skills


Analytical chemistry




Located at the Forensic Complex, San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia.

Anonymous ID: cd6187 June 1, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6646544   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oiJ continued



The OIJ was criticized for its illegal surveillance of Diario Extra journalist Manuel Estrada, who had written an article critical of the OIJ. In a victory for press freedom and citizen journalists, Judge Ernesto Jinesta Lobo of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court censured the OIJ for conducting illegal wiretaps to identify his sources for the article. In addition to “traditional” journalists, Judge Lobo indicated that citizen journalists (those who “regularly contribute” to reporting or public opinion) also deserve to be shielded from prosecutorial abuses of surveillance.[2] Further criticism includes automatic dismissal of investigations related to intellectual property crimes up to 2011.[3]


See also

Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica

Public Prosecutor of Costa Rica


"Nuevo director del OIJ Wálter Espinoza promete golpear el crimen organizado" (in Spanish). Retrieved March 14, 2017.

International Press Institute (March 25, 2014). "Costa Rican court rules surveillance of journalist is unconstitutional". IFEX.

Colegio de Abogados. "Ministerio Público Cambió Política de Persecución Penal para los Delitos de la Propiedad Intelectual" (PDF). Retrieved May 21, 2014.