Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6646399   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep State Prosecutors Defy Judge’s Order: Refuse to Release Transcript of Flynn-Kislyak Call that Will Confirm Obama Spying on Trump Team


On May 17th Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered federal prosecutors to release transcripts of the General Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian officials including transcript to a call made in December 2016 between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


Judge Sullivan is presiding over former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s case.


On Friday federal prosecutors refused to release the transcript of the Flynn-Kislyak phone call. Doing so would prove the Obama administration was spying on the Trump transition team.


The deep state never sleeps.


Via The New York Times:


Federal prosecutors rebuffed a judge’s order to release by Friday highly classified transcripts of discussions that Michael T. Flynn, the president’s former national security adviser, had with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.


The transcripts between Mr. Flynn and Sergey I. Kislyak, formerly Russia’s top diplomat in the United States, were expected to show that they talked in December 2016 about sanctions that the Obama administration had just imposed on Russia…


…The calls between Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak were referenced repeatedly in court documents and the special counsel’s report on Russian election interference but never released, and prosecutors have not acknowledged the existence of the wiretap. Judge Sullivan, who is overseeing Mr. Flynn’s case, ordered that audio recordings of his conversations with Mr. Kislyak be made public along with a voice mail message made by the president’s lawyer.


The Justice Department’s refusal to comply with the judge’s order made clear that prosecutors had no interest in confirming the wiretap, which was approved by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.


“This would be a rare step to make public” such intelligence collection, said Joshua Geltzer, a former Justice Department official. “What you see in today’s filing is the government trying to avoid disclosing that material.”

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6646411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7085

Illinois Is Set To Repeal Its Ban On Partial Birth Abortion. Here's How That Barbaric Procedure Is Done.


The Illinois state House this week passed a radical pro-abortion bill that would legalize abortion through every stage of pregnancy and officially codify the dehumanization of the unborn into law. It would also eliminate spousal consent and require insurance companies to cover abortion. Under this law, a woman would have the right to kill her child at any point in pregnancy, for any reason, regardless of the father's wishes, and regardless of her ability to pay. And that's not even the most extreme aspect of the legislation.

Democrats in Illinois felt it necessary to go several steps further and repeal the state's ban on partial birth abortion. This should not immediately result in any partial birth abortions actually taking place, as the federal ban on the practice remains, for now, intact, but it is bad enough that Democrats want this unthinkable barbarism to be legal. It is increasingly clear that Democrats will get rid of the federal ban if ever they have enough power to do so. When that day comes, here is a description of the procedure that will be performed legally in Illinois and probably several other states:

A fully developed and viable infant child is pulled feet-first out of the womb with forceps. The baby is delivered until just his head remains lodged in the birth canal while the rest of his body dangles out. The child at this point is alive and moving. He has been almost completely delivered. A pair of scissors are then jammed into the base of his skull. The child has a fully functioning nervous system so he will feel the indescribable pain of sharpened metal piercing through his tiny neck. A vacuum tube is shoved into the hole and his brains are sucked out of his head while he's still alive. His collapsed skull is then pulled out of the vagina and the child's corpse is thrown in the garbage.

This is what Democrats in Illinois support.

Any decent human being can see that this is savagery. You do not need to be right-wing or conservative to oppose sucking the brains out of infants. You merely need to be a human being. Only a soulless animal could possibly look with approval on such a practice. There are a lot of soulless animals in the Democrat Party, unfortunately. In fact, I doubt you'd find even as many as ten Democrats on Capitol Hill who would come out against it. And that is a fact that Republicans should be obsessively highlighting from now until 2020 and beyond.

There was quite a lot of hand wringing and bellyaching over the "extremism" of Alabama's law, which prohibits abortion in almost every case. Well whether that was extreme or not — and it wasn't, it was just morally and intellecutally consistent — it certainly does not come close to the extremism of crushing an infant's skull 10 seconds before birth. Indeed, the word extremism doesn't do it justice. This is ghastly. Beastly. Demonic. And, for the modern Democratic Party, mainstream.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.6646423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6439

Jim Willie: Trump, Putin & Xi SECRET GLOBAL RESET Meetings – Dollar To Be Replaced By GOLD, Not The SDR!


Jim Willie drops a BOMBSHELL revelation about the secret meetings held to coordinate the global reset, beat the globalists and avoid WWIII…


Jim Willie took some time out from his busy Thursday afternoon to share some important developments with us.


In this interview, some of the things we discuss include:


The Global Reset and the New Silk Road Order

De-dollarization and the move away from the US Dollar

The global loss of confidence in the United States

China & Russia’s global expansion

The death of the Petro-dollar


And of course, we discuss Jim’s bombshell revelation and analysis of the Trump, Putin & Xi meetings, held in secrecy, in a coordinated effort to defeat the globalists and avoid World War III.


To listen to all of those topics and a whole lot more, tune-in to the interview in its entirety!

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6646434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6702

China Launches Investigation Of FedEx In "Warning To Foreign Companies"


Just hours after China’s retaliatory tariffs on the U.S. officially kicked in at midnight on Saturday in Beijing, affecting more than 2,400 goods that face levies of as much as 25%, compared with the previous charges of 10%, China took its first non-tariff retaliatory step, when it launched an investigation into FedEx for the wrongful delivery of packages, the country's state run Xinhua News Agency reported.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, noon No.6646450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6484 >>6495 >>6502

Cop Indicted After Horrifying Video Shows Him Beating Homeless Woman With a Baton


Decatur, GA — Katie McCrary is a homeless woman doing whatever she can to survive. But while she may have a criminal history, she, like other law-breakers, still deserves to be treated humanely and with some sense of decency. But that didn’t happen when Dekalb County police officer Phillip Larscheid, 29, struck her with his baton nearly too many times to count.


Now, because someone decided to film the police, Larscheid has been indicted on charges of aggravated assault and violation of his oath of office.


One of the most troubling aspects of this case is the fact that the police department originally cleared Larshcheid of any wrongdoing and only after the video went viral were they forced to “reopen the investigation.”


The incident happened on June 4, 2017 when police were called to the scene of a local convenience store at the corner of Glenwood and Line St. in Decatur. McCrary had been propositioning patrons for money. Others say she’s frequently there and may have mental issues.


But when Larshceid arrived, McCrary allegedly pushed him and would not follow his commands. That’s when bystanders say he began beating her with his baton.


“Like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, that’s excessive,” customer Calvin Smith said.


After the beating, a complaint of “excessive use of force” was filed as a result of the officer’s actions. The department investigated, and came to the following conclusion which exonerated the officer.


Link to video

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6646460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6702 >>6904 >>7099

‘Record Number’ of Migrant Boats in English Channel, ‘Home Office Needs to Get a Grip’


The number of boats transporting illegal migrants to Britain appears to have hit a daily record, with HM Coastguard reporting it has assisted with 13 “incidents” off the Kent coast and a dinghy sighted off East Sussex.


The Kent incidents involved nine boats carrying dozens of migrants, according to Sky News — prompting Charlie Elphicke, MP for the Dover and Deal constituency on the frontline of the crisis, to admonish the authorities.


“If confirmed this would be a record number of boats arriving in a single day. This crisis was meant to have been dealt with at Christmas, yet numbers continue to rise,” he tweeted, in reference to Home Secretary and Tory leadership hopeful Sajid Javid having declared already “major incident” in the Channel as the number of boats were beginning to surge over the festive period.


“It looks set to surge to record levels through the Summer. The Home Office needs to get a grip on this crisis,” Elphicke added.


The MP warned that the Channel crisis was “about much more than simply border security”, noting that the “the exploitation of vulnerable people by criminal trafficking gangs” and the inherent dangerousness of the voyages were also concerns.


He reiterated the urgent need for the British and French authorities to crack down on the people-smugglers to avert “a tragedy in the middle of the English Channel resulting in loss of life”.


Australia managed to avert a similar crisis in the Pacific with its Operation Sovereign Borders policy, which deterred migrants from embarking on journeys in the first place by making it clear that anyone reaching their country by sea would either be turned back or, if found to be genuine refugees, resettled in another safe country.


While the boat migrants crisis has concentrated the minds of politicians and commentators on illegal migration into Britain, the hundreds of people involved make up a relatively small proportion of clandestine entrants — with tens of thousands still using more tried and true methods of breaking into lorries, ferries, or the Channel Tunnel in order to make their crossing.


Unlike the Australians, the British are able to deport very few illegal migrants who do make it to British soil or territorial waters, despite France — where most come from — being a safe country, thanks to onerous EU asylum regulations.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6646494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6825

‘Most valued partner’: NSA fed Israel intel for targeted assassinations, leaked docs show


Frustrated by a legal ban on sharing intelligence with Israeli operatives conducting targeted assassinations against Hezbollah, the NSA crafted a loophole giving them total access even to US citizens' data, leaked documents show.


The Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU), the NSA's counterpart in Tel Aviv, convinced the Americans to circumvent the legal prohibition on providing surveillance data for targeted assassinations during Israel's 2006 war with Lebanon, according to the newest revelation from the archives obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden.


Using the familiar rationale of "terrorism" to excuse cooperation they knew was illegal, the NSA and ISNU found a workaround using the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that provided the Israelis with all the intel they needed, according to an October 2006 article in the NSA's internal publication.


"To ISNU, this prohibition [on sharing data for targeted killings] was contrary not only to supporting Israel in its fight against Hizballah but overall, to support the US Global War on Terrorism," said an article in SIDToday.


Its author, whose name is redacted, details the "late-night, sometimes tense discussions" he had with ISNU officials who believed they deserved an exemption from the US prohibition on abetting targeted killings.


The documents don't include details of what "arrangement" was eventually worked out with the ODNI, but the Israeli military used American data to lay waste to Lebanon's civilian population, much like the tech-enhanced US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, whose kill-counts swelled with civilian victims after they received access to NSA targeting data.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6646521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6582 >>6675 >>6965 >>6978

Meghan McCain Uses Assassination Rhetoric on Trump Impeachment: “If you take this kill shot, Democrats, you better not miss, you better hit his jugular”


The View co-host Meghan McCain, who is involved in a feud with President Donald Trump over her late father Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), shot her mouth off on Friday’s show, using Trump assassination rhetoric to encourage Democrats’ efforts to impeach the President.


Meghan McCain: “…I will say, if you take this kill shot, Democrats, ya better not miss. (Co-host Joy Behar: “Yeah”) Ya better hit his jugular and if there’s even a finger still moving at the end of it you’re gonna ruin your chances in 2020. But you better do this well, if you’re gonna do it. And my faith in Democrats…”

Following a helpful clarification from co-host Whoopi Goldberg who interrupted to save her, McCain immediately apologized, saying, “I don’t mean literally! I’m so sorry! Oh my God! I’m so sorry! (Stuttering) I don’t mean…Oh my God! I mean like a metaphorical. I talk, I’m a shoo…, I’m a hunter and a shooter, I’m sorry about my metaphors. And I talk like a redneck, so sorry. But I will say, you have to, you have to, you have to definitely do this. If you’re gonna impeach him, you have to impeach him. It can’t just be proceedings that don’t end up successful. And again, please don’t take that the wrong way, that’s how I talk.”


Behar followed with a baseball metaphor, “If you swing you have to hit the ball,” for which McCain thanked her.

McCain claimed that’s just the way she talks, yet she raised her hand and waved a finger to illustrate her point about the need to be assured of killing President Trump by not leaving “a finger still moving.”

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6646551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7127 >>7138

What the Numbers Tell Us About the U.S. Drug Crisis


The U.S. has been battling a growing drug use epidemic for several years. This crisis has resulted in an increase in overdose-related deaths as well as an increase in prescription drug spending. By looking at how much people are spending on prescription drugs in each state, we begin to understand the scope of the problem.


So how large of an impact has this drug crisis had on each state? Let’s take a look at the numbers to get an idea.


Fatal overdoses in the United States are continuing to increase. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths increased significantly by 9.6% from 2016 (19.8 per 100,000) to 2017 (21.7 per 100,000).

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6646564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says


Los Angeles is going down the drain.


The city, with a population topping four million and a broader metropolitan area with many millions more, is awash in massive problems — overcrowding, lack of housing, and high demand for free services among them. But other far more serious problems are lurking, Dr. Drew Pinksy said on Thursday.

“We have a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now,” Pinsky told Fox New host Laura Ingraham. “We have the three prongs of airborne disease, tuberculosis is exploding, rodent-borne. We are one of the only cities in the country that doesn’t have a rodent control program, and sanitation has broken down.”

Pinsky said bubonic plague — also known as the “Black Death,” a pandemic that killed off millions in the 14th century — is “likely” already present in Los Angeles. The plague is spread by infected fleas and exposure to bodily fluids from a dead plague-infected animal, with the bacteria entering through the skin and traveling to lymph nodes.

Typhus, which broke out in the city last year, will likely return, Pinsky said. Already, a Los Angeles police officer has contracted typhoid fever, which infects fewer than 350 Americans each year. The various types of typhus are caused by a bacterial infection and spread by body lice, chiggers or fleas. In the 1600s, the disease decimated Germany.

“This is unbelievable. I can’t believe I live in a city where this is not Third World. This is medieval,” Pinsky said, according to Fox News. “Third World countries are insulted if they are accused of being like this. No city on Earth tolerates this. The entire population is at risk.”

Pinsky said the city simply can't handle the demand for services, noting that many homeless are mentally ill and don't want to accept housing.

“[T]he government is somehow insisting that housing is the problem when in fact we have chronic mental illness, we have addiction, we have people who don’t want to leave the streets,” Pinsky said. “They literally won’t take the housing if we give it to them. And that’s the population that’s vulnerable, and is going to get so ill this summer. It scares me for their well-being.” The famed doctor also said California cities are suffering after allowing thousands of illegal aliens to flow in. He said the liberal politicians running most cities are “disgustingly negligent.”


Homelessness is also exploding in San Francisco — the home district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6646586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6596

Scientists: 5G Huawei Samsung mobile wireless technology dangerous to health!!!! Bolton: 5G risky for national security!


5G, the next-generation mobile wireless technology, will create the always-on, always-connected wireless world long-sought by the wide-eyed champions of this technology. It will infuse billions of connected devices, which will ceaselessly emit and receive wireless signals as they work to satisfy users all around the world.


The electromagnetic radiation from the hundreds of billions of 5G-connected devices will bombard the entire planet and most every human on it every second of every day. And herein lies the problem, say critics of 5G concerned about the health hazards of this new technology.


5G is a health risk, they contend, and a mounting number of studies seem to prove this point.


This new tech took its biggest leap forward in April when South Korea proudly boasted to the world that it had become the first country to deploy a nationwide 5G network. Samsung then revealed the world’s first 5G mobilephone, the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6646608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) states that he probably killed ‘hundreds of civilians’ while serving as an artillery officer in Fallujah: ‘I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians.’


Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, said he probably killed “hundreds of civilians” while serving as an artillery officer in Fallujah.


His comments were made public Monday on the latest episode of the podcast “Zero Blog Thirty.”


“I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians,” he said. “Probably killed women and children if there were any left in the city when we invaded. So, do I get judged too?”


Hunter recalled this story in response to a question about the actions of Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher who is on trial in San Diego accused of war crimes including shooting at civilians. Gallagher has pleaded not guilty.


During the podcast, Hunter was asked specifically about one of the individuals Gallagher is accused of killing, a teenage ISIS fighter. According to prosecutors, the SEAL stabbed the teen who was brought in for medical treatment.


“I frankly don’t care if he was killed,” Hunter said. “I just don’t care.”


The Congressman added that he has seen photos and videos from the Gallagher case and has talked to other SEALS who served with him who say they don’t believe the charges. Hunter also said Gallagher should be given a break and that the ISIS fighter he is accused of killing was going to die anyway.


In a statement, Capt. Joseph Butterfield with the Marine Corps said the Marines are aware of Hunter’s comments, but it is too early to speculate on any future actions.


According to the statement, “Marines are required to comply with the law of war during all military operations, however characterized. If mistreatment of the dead were committed intentionally, it could be considered a violation of the law of war. U.S. service members have been charged and punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for posing for pictures with human casualties. Generally, the statute of limitations under the UCMJ is five years.”

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6646625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former bank director calls for Sir John Key to be forced to resign from ANZ


A former top bank director has reportedly called for former Prime Minister Sir John Key to resign "or be removed" as chairman of ANZ following an incident that saw it censured by the Reserve Bank.


In a letter to Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr, Kerry McDonald, the chairman of BNZ for 12 years until 2008, said he was "amazed" at the limited penalty imposed on the bank, Stuff reported.


McDonald also took aim at several others at ANZ – including chief executive David Hisco – saying they should resign.


The Reserve Bank revoked ANZ Bank New Zealand's accreditation to model its own operational risk capital requirement due to a "persistent failure" in its controls and attestation process.


The decision means ANZ is now required to use the standardised approach for calculating appropriate operational risk capital. From March 2019, this will increase its minimum capital held for operational risk by around 60 per cent, to $760 million.


According to the Reserve Bank, ANZ's failure to use an approved model was revealed after encouraging ANZ to review its attestation and assess its compliance with capital regulations.


A spokesperson for ANZ said: "ANZ New Zealand does not believe there is a systemic failure in its controls and attestation processes.


"While isolated, and with no impact on customers or the operation of the bank, ANZ New Zealand is disappointed this error occurred.


"Mr McDonald is welcome to discuss the issue with us at any time."


Sir John Key was named chairman of ANZ Bank's local arm in October 2017 and began his role in early 2018.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6646665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6695 >>6703

God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel — and Then Trampled on the Constitution


On the afternoon of April 19, 2018, a group of Texas Republicans received an email confirming their upcoming all-expenses-paid trips to Israel. An orientation packet filled with background on their destination “for reading on the flight,” the message said, was forthcoming.


The May 2018 trip to Israel would not be Texas politicians’ first — Gov. Greg Abbott, for one, flew to Israel on casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s private jet in 2016.


But it was unique in at least one crucial way: The trip was organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, according to records obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and reviewed by The Intercept. The right-wing group of over 2,000 state legislators, lobbyists, and corporate backers writes legislation to be exported to statehouses around the country and has largely focused on issues like “stand your ground” gun laws and voter suppression efforts. By leading a delegation to Israel, ALEC was opening up a new front, demonstrating the extent to which support for Israel has become a central part of the GOP’s policy agenda, especially in Texas.


The delegation, which included eight elected Texas officials, was a reflection of Texas Republicans’ deep ties to Israel: rooted in a combination of economic interests, an Israel-loving evangelical base, and pro-Israel advocates whose campaign contributions have helped the state’s GOP maintain its 16-year governing trifecta. Those ties have grown stronger in recent years, even as Israel lurches to the extremist right, entrenches its military occupation of Palestinian land, and continues to build settlements, considered by most of the world illegal under international law.



Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6646695   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Miller’s approach aligns with the Christian right’s backing of Israel’s settlement project. U.S. Christian nonprofits have sent tens of millions of dollars to Israeli settlements over the past decade, and hundreds of evangelicals go to the occupied West Bank every year to volunteer in Israeli settlement farming projects. That commitment has led to a flowering of ties between Christian evangelicals, right-wing American Jewish groups that also back Israeli settlements, and Israeli settlers themselves.


“They’re working openly, and have been for years, to argue there is no distinction between Israel and settlements, that all the land was given to them by God, and that making a distinction between settlements and Israel is anti-Semitic,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, a liberal think tank whose work focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


“What we did over there is now being mirrored by Trump and his peace plan for that part of the region. So we were kind of the leading edge of it.”


Cont. from images:

who was forced to end nine years of work in public schools when she refused to sign the pledge.


“I had to choose between continuing to express my support for Palestinian rights and the commitments I had made to sources as a journalist,” said Hale, who ended up signing the contract but made a clear note of his disagreement in the margins.


In April 2019, a federal judge sided with the plaintiffs, blocking the anti-BDS law and issuing a scathing decision that blasted Texas lawmakers for passing a law “intended not to combat discrimination on the basis of national origin, but to silence speech with which Texas disagrees.”


But instead of backing down, Texas is continuing to crack down on boycott advocates. Two weeks after the judge’s decision, Abbott signed House Bill 793, a law amending the original bill to exclude individual contractors and narrow the law’s focus to companies with state contracts over $100,000.


Civil liberties experts say this law remains unconstitutional, though it may pave the way for Texas to get the current ACLU and CAIR lawsuit against the original bill dismissed because the amended law no longer applies to the plaintiffs. The Texas attorney general’s office said it plans to defend the law on appeal.


The Texas anti-boycott law may eventually be thrown to the wayside as a result of legal challenges. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will retain a memento to remind him of the state’s unwavering support for his government: A year after HB 89 was signed into law, state Sen. Brandon Creighton, who authored the Senate version of the bill, delivered the pen Abbott used to sign the anti-boycott law to Netanyahu.



Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6646732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Bilderbergers in Switzerland


The 67th Bilderberg Meeting is taking place in Montreux, Switzerland from 30 May – 2 June 2019, where the about 130 invitees – so far confirmed – from 23 countries, are staying at one of Switzerland’s most luxurious venues, the Montreux Palace hotel. About a quarter of the attendees are women.


The Bilderberg meetings started at the onset of the Cold War, as a discussion club of American and European leaders, a fortification against communism, in clear text, against the Soviet Union. The first event took place in 1954 at the Bilderberg hotel in the Dutch town of Oosterbeek. Ever since, meetings of the Bilderberg Group were held annually, in different locations in the western world, most of them, though, in North America.


It’s not a coincidence that the Bilderbergers meet in Switzerland. Switzerland is one of the Group’s favoured host country outside the US. Switzerland hosted their gatherings at least five times before this upcoming Montreux event (1960 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 1970 – Grand Hotel Quellenhof, Bad Ragaz, St. Gallen; 1981 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 1995 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 2011 – Suvretta House, St. Moritz).


The conferences of the Bilderbergers are the most secretive events, managed by those who pull the strings behind world leaders – politicians, corporate CEOs, big finance, and other business execs – artists, and the who-is-who of the world elite. And we are talking of the western world.



Other than about ten attendees from Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Estonia, participants are North Americans or Europeans. The rest of the world doesn’t count.


The Bilderbergers are strictly a western dominion. The farthest east they go is Turkey. It’s like the carrot to Erdogan, hoping to draw NATO Turkey back into the camp of the west. But how much longer? – Turkey, forever wavering between east and west, has more than one leg already in the east – eyeing entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – not exactly the eastern version of the Bilderbergers, because the SCO is an open forum for economic development policies and defense strategies, no secrets, no manipulation western style.


This year’s Bilderberg meeting will be chaired by Henri Castries, France,Chairman of the Paris-based Institut Montaigne, a non-profit thinktank working on public policy and social cohesion. Other prominent attendees include Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, and the driving force of these events and protégé of Rockefeller’s, former US Secretary of State (and war criminal), Henry Kissinger; France’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire; Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister, from the far-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy; Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s Defense Minister from the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU); – and, perhaps most noteworthy, Jared Kushner, personal advisor and son-in-law of US President Donald Trump, and intimate friend of Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Anonymous ID: e7bcc4 June 1, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6646892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil 'Uninvites' Guaido's Envoy Amid Reports of Possible Talks With Maduro


The snub came as local Brazilian media reported that a number of former military advisers want to pursue a dialogue with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela's de jure ambassador continues to fulfil his functions in the Brazilian capital Brasilia.


Brazil has revoked an invitation to the envoy for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to present her diplomatic credentials, the envoy commented on Friday, with Brasilia expected to rule on whether to accept them or not.


Guaido’s ambassador, Maria Teresa Belandria, dismissed the belief that the invitation withdrawal could indicate there was some change in the Brazilian government’s stance. However, she confirmed to journalists that she was “uninvited”.


“Reception or not of the letters of accreditation will be assessed at a more convenient moment,” Brazil's presidential spokesman General Otavio Rego Barro commented, adding that Belandria was the representative of Venezuela’s “legitimate president” and denying an invitation had been withdrawn.


Belandria had been invited to present her credentials at the presidential palace along with the other countries’ envoys, before the government abruptly reconsidered.


According to a report by Brazilian newspapers Folha de S.Paulo and O Globo, Bolsonaro’s government has cancelled her invitation because ex-military advisers seek negotiations with Maduro. Meanwhile, the real Venezuelan ambassador's credentials haven’t been revoked.


“They realise Brazil has to deal with the reality that Maduro is not going anywhere right now and, even if he leaves, Guaido will not be president and a general will likely take his place,” Reuters cited Oliver Stuenkel, a professor of foreign relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, as saying regarding the decision.


Brazil's new right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro had taken sides with the US in his sharp criticism of Guaido, and Trump's advisers reportedly pressed him to take a harder line on Maduro, sparking worries about the possible positioning of US troops in Brazil. Mirroring these concerns, Brazilian diplomat Paulo Roberto de Almeida noted resolutely that the recognition of Guaido’s envoy “was never agreed to by the military, who vetoed the idea of a US base in Brazil from day one”.


A political crisis has been raging in Venezuela since January, when opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself interim president. Washington and its Western allies endorsed Guaido, while Maduro, in turn, accused the United States of trying to orchestrate a coup in order to install Guaido as its puppet and take over Venezuela’s rich natural resources.


Russia, China, Bolivia, Turkey and a number of other countries have voiced their support for Maduro as the Latin American country’s legitimate president.