What does only a threat mean
Oh nice bv didnt like that last one
I dont fucking know daniel im just trying to not blow my brains out here
I cant take cryptic shit
Comey clapper and the dumbass puppets who fucked up,will be punished
They will be arrested in a false saviour op
Most likely sent to the underground cities
You know why so many celebrities and,pols are dying anons?
Theyre going either up to the space colonies
Or down into the tunnels
Because they know whats coming
Nazis are leftists nice try
Because i cant take it
I hate my life
I hate what they do to me
I hate being male
I hate watching everyone be happy undeservedly
I hate how fucked up,society is
You know exactly why i want to die
I have 0 proof god cares
The enemy relentlessly fucks with me 24 7
Irl is getting 10x worse publically
Why should i believe you?
All my faith got me was a deception and a ruined life
Hey daniel
Whats your honest opinion on Q
No games
No bullshit
Real or fake
I want to know what you think
Your god sounds like a asshole fallen,angel higher dimensional that enjoys watching you suffer
Have fun with that daniel
My life sucks too
At least i have my dog videogames weed and anything fun
Yeah they stole me from suicidal depresion
Gave me false hope
Made me drive away my friends with hopium
Got me in trouble
Then pulled back the curtain
Not gonna lie im sadder now than i was then
The false hope feels so good so you latch onto it out of desperation
My whole life has been one big joke i was just so certain that this one time it was real
That it wasnt a trick like before
Boy was i wrong
Yeah cuz jerking off overfoot ball
Constantly worrying,that im,not,npc enough for the cool kids
Having a bitchy girlfriend sounds soo fucking fun
At least i have the balls to like what i like
Or you could take my pill
It works when i can escape the control
Be aware
But also pour myself into hobbies and things i like so i dont go insane
Yeah cuz i should just sit there and be miserable while they torture me
God forbid someone has fun
People need to realize these people are stupid ignorant and above all evil
They know they support evil
They know what the cabal does
They just dont care because they only care about themselves
17% of hillary supporters believe in,pizzgate
They knowingly voted for a child trafficker
Once you realize that 40-50% of the public is literally soulless or the soul is not human
You understand
Also to the demons stop calling,me sara fuck off
Not as funny without hoo lee fuck
Nah i dont want to its embarassing
But the thing is
Who makes these movies?
Those movies are made by the cabal
We really are watching a movie
Its just not the ones anon think it is
All ill say is
Dont listen to voices
Dont listen to the radio
Dont notice random,numbers
There is no coincidence
Its demons showing,their control
I see liscense plates with weird ass shit at weird ass times
Anon you dont understand
I dont care if they were under demonic influence
They hurt me
They pay
And im,going to be more cruel,than they were
If god doesnt like it he can send me to hell
If i ever get power i will use it to crush the people who hurt me
And only them
Nobody else
Besiees their families
I dont care what you do or think faggot
Oooooh demons so scawy
Nope youre unarmed and i have my 9mm
So lowkey i can tell that youre one of them
Why do you like me so much
Am i just a toy?
Or am i threat
Or both
Nope absolutely nothing