So your theory is that reptilians are higher octave or just a civilization that has super tech? There is a significant difference as one is 4D and one is above 4D.
hell not not even in 4D let alone above 4D.
if in 4D it will have a duality base to be their opposite.
There are theories that do include reptilians but they are just a 4D trapped just like us with better tech and have not learned shit about divinity. Those theories also include multidimensional entities that are much closer to divinity. Like a huge fucking hierarchy.
humans are not human they are divinity divided into just a spark of divinity with the task of returning.
This may be hard to explain to you.
No there is nothing outside of divine creation including evil.
The demons you speak of may have resonance to you in 4D but are just a reflection on you own demons and in reflection to divinity disappear. Yes they seem real from a lower octave perception - but dissolve near divinity. Our issues is our goals and objectives may not be in line with the divine and may be more in line with what you call demons.
that is hillarious
if I take the time to teach I am not attacking.
not everyone learns
i get it.
I will let you be ignorant - not upset.
no demons are 4D creation and if you live in 4D you accept them some of us learn this and moved our perception.
our perception of divinity is so limited that we think evil exists - kek - no we are a bubble 4D experiment to see if these souls will figure it out.
kinda fucking simple.
You have logical discretion I commend you.
What you are missing is there is no separation but perceived separation.
When incarnated into a lower octave we accept limitations an not have all knowing so we can have free choice to decide our path. The divine is betting we return if we do or not is up to us.
yes the divine did by deciding to experience everything and then giving all parts of divinity free will. We created it - not full divine - just us exploring free will. the key will be if we figure out if free will leads back to divinity or away from divinity.
dude you need meditation and putting up mirrors and drop the oiji board.
You need to stay out of astral realm until you have some fucking training.
Can you ask your question in a coherent way please.
i will not.
i accept you think ruled by external demons at times.
all demons are allowed within. Even if as you believe there are external demons - if you have no resonant frequency with them they will have absolutely no influence.
The key is changing yourself not battle.
it is no different than a person that hurts you or undermines you.
Cut the ties so you can move on.
I was saying demons are 4D and just internal shit.
yes there is energy that allows them outside 4D but not demons until inside a 4D being.
humanity /4D have been using free will to create demons from divinity for as long as the big bang allowed 4D.
You project
'they' you externalize your issues.
I accept mine and change them.
I accept the ones I cannot change and watch them.
Those demons are mine.
I accept it and I have power over them.
They ran when they saw I knew my shit
and no attack would work.
back to same old same old
Virginia Beach always deputy Mayor - where the fuck is the Mayor?
fox fox
suppressor suppressor.