I always called them googles and skypes.
The masons want to assassinate him just like they did with JFK because he isn't in the cult (even though he is an operative mason). Like how jews say Ivanka really isn't one.
Canada is so captured by communist China (in BC mostly but they are everywhere) that closer relations with the US might help push them out.
> I helped establish the FISA Court with a friend of yours Joe diGenova.
Wasn't Avenetti (CPL) involved too?
Spy vs. Spy?
They're all here to see what information is being released and to shill against accurate leaks. Example: there is a legal argument for GCHQ spying on Trump, because the USA Inc. company is chartered in the City. (Same basis the CIA exists on, after Donovan and Stevenson and the OSS were set up.)
"When the president does it, it's not illegal" said Nixon and he was 100% correct.
Also this means "yes we fellow masons will help each other" (beer) so you can bet Obama will get asylum in Canada if SHTF.
Also "beer hall putsch" but that was the other team last time.
So BDS means we go back to paper and pencil. Stop making records. A Butlerian Jihad, except kikes.
Trump didn't survive that long in NYC RE without knowing how to jew the jew, anon. It's the reason real >>>/pol/ has always supported the Orange Kike.
>CONTINUE the monopolies under the guise of competition
Cellphone companies do it, why not oligarchs?
Watching hedonists self-destruct has zero effect on me, anon.
Gays aren't monogamous by any means. Corporate civil marriage for all is a great tax shelter though.