Anonymous ID: ded3d8 June 1, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6647676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A "MUST" read…Collapse of Finnish Government (READ SOCIALISM): Why it matters


This is a must read for all Americans on the right and the left. Socialism fails yet again, yet the political left keeps singing the song. And we have not even started talking about Venezuela!


It's called the Nazi press, keep everything from the public!


Collapse of Finnish Government: Why it matters


Most of you already knew this would happen, but my question is…..How many heard about this on the mainstream media?


Finnish Government Collapses…..Why It Matters


Don’t look now – seriously, the media really does not want you to look – but Finland, the “Democratic” Socialists’ most favored nation, their example of the country America should emulate, just saw its government collapse and its Prime Minister and Cabinet resign due to the unsustainable costs of universal health care. This happened last week. Did you hear about it in the news? Didn’t think so.


Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit


This comes less than a year after Finland killed its experiment with a “universal basic income,” replacing it with mandatory job training and work requirements for people on government benefits.


There’s more at the link, along with a few ironic tweets from Bernie Sanders, lavishing praise on Finland. In one, he demands, “If Finland can provide everyone with health care, send everyone to college for free and provide affordable child care, why can’t the US?”


Well, Finland can’t. Neither can you, Bernie.


Incidentally, I just checked Bernie’s two Twitter feeds, for Senator and Presidential candidate. As expected, there was a lot of ranting against billionaires and millionaires (he is one of the latter, by the way, and somehow became one while he was a socialist “public servant,” as so many socialist public servants do), and about completing his mission to transform America with a lot of big government handout programs.


But strangely, not a word about the collapse of the government of Finland due to the exact policies he’s espousing. In fact, I scrolled all the way back to last week, and the word “Finland” never appeared – even though that’s obviously what he wants to transform America into. But at least he can take solace in knowing that with people like him in Congress, he’s already made a lot of headway in turning the US into a place where the cost of government is unsustainable.


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