Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6647333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

so showman, when does you show start. YOu don't have to tell me whose show, I'll know?

two hrs or three?


looking forward to be a skeptical viewer who keeps my opinions about a sudden ? ? ? filp . . . but just tries to ascertain what your real deal is.


with a name like that let's hope you don't have the word 'fallen' before it.


But we wish we could catch you if you fall.


but how will we get down there to be there before you are if you fall off into . . . an abyss.


It's OK to think that the actor is groovy, even when the roll he plays is of someone flightly and bit odd.


But what is affection? and why do people fame fag?

just don't post a hour of yourself practicing on your guitar. Though it's always cool when you break out into song.


anyway, fame on, fame-boy.


"You'll never get to heaven

if you break my heart."


That's a stupid theme for a song. If or if not Dione Warwick had a broken heart should not have been a reason for someone to, or not to, go to heaven.


and when you get there there is a War in Heaven, right?

but famefags don't always read the bible.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6647414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7512


the other person who you were discussing earlier is not an allegory.

The parables of Jesus are, of course, filled with them.

I never down play the deep water of the oceans of truth that the bible gives us.

I ask you to consider that there is a reason that it's a person and not just an allegory.

Jesus isn't just an allegory. But some merely see Him that way.


Wierd thing is every time through the book of Revelations you are supposed to get a boon. So you read it twenty times, you get a boon twenty times. That means to me that you find new meaning each time.


and most of that is allegorical.


Wr're probably on the same page about studying the parables of Jesus. We'd probably have a lot to share, I certainly only know only so much and I always welcome to be able to speak with someone else who knows some other piece, and some of that I don't know.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6647506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7538


your statement starts with a fallacy, and it's hard to get past that.

A is not A? ? ? that is a false statement.


spark of divinity . . . .

tasked . . .

so you have an active view of living, you have to 'work at it ' to be saved.

that, as well, is not in my belief system.

you have to work at atoning for sin. YOu have to work at giving thanksgiving and prayer?


The thanksgiving and prayer should be joyous, not arduous and gruelling.

and as far as atoning: just keep believing and you'll get to the end of it.


and then you have this idea of 'returning'.


and that brings me to another point: maybe you are already there but you've merely forgotten who you are and how to see it all as being just what it's supposed to be in the here and now?


Anyway, you might have something real there that you really believe so I'm going to say 'nice shot, but try not to start such a . . . wideranging statement about live and reality with a logical fallacy.


In any case a shitpost at 8ch doesn't always have to have deep truths and secrets of reality, death, love, fame fagging, and eternal quest of consciousness.


some points: 'task of returning'

if you think that's a real thing you need to better define what you mean by it.


and 'divinity divided'? you craft a term that obviously would be part of a larger schema of theologic understanding. it's a fragment of someone elses truth? You need to put that into a context of someone who was a shaman, high priest, holy man, or preacher who had a body of work and used that concept, who you've obviously already studied.


it's pretty hard to give way the secrets of deep water spiritualism in a shitpost one-liner.

maybe next time you'll knock it right out of the park, so keep at it.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6647576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7595 >>7607 >>7621


that's strange because they seem to know us better every time they confront us. They tell us things that the person who they inhabit shuldn't know about us, like we are meeting them again for another go.

so the 5 year old girl when I was 3 who had a demon spirit and used to torment me and adults would always blame me and make excuses for her was a product of my own mine?

and when I met 'her' again later in life and she 'wantted to be my best friend' (not the same girl, the same demon) I was making her up then too?

Or when I saw her (that demon) in a presidential candidate? I was makeing the candidate be that person?


maybe you are blind to them. Maybe you just pretend like it is not real.

but the only thing that explains is the idea of 'demons' and you say it's just me projecting? Cause it's in them, not in me.

They hate me because I know her as soon as she comes in the door. I know her. She always knows I know her. STrangers how have her will be needlessly provokative. I have to stay in the light. I say a prayer that I won't meet her at the market or on the highway.


Issac Kappy had it right when he said that he'd forgotten to look for hte good because he was trying to avoid the bad.


If you encounter a bad spirit in someone you must not try to combat it, but get the person to channel one of the better moods.


you can bring them back, and chase away their demon mind.


but that's only for the then, unless you were an exercist. And what did Jesus warn about chasing them out?

they go out, clean house, come back with more.


is that just an allegory? Or are we dealing with creatures of a realm that can not manifest except through possessing other creature who live within this realm?


I loose my comprehension at that point I have not learned enough and I don't really need to know right now and I don't do exercisms, because that is antagonizing them.


then of course there are those who are trolls, I suppose, just like here, and they are 'testing us?'


I don't know I hit a wall of understanding and it starts to sound like I don't know what I am talking about, as it should.


Just remember this: those who are demonfests, are 'really really nice' when you first meet them. You want to like them.



They want you to like them

then they treat you badly.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6647649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7666 >>7675


if someone wante me to join in on a quiji board, I make a quick exit.

you can ridicule me all you want for what I've told you.

ingore it if you need to.

And keep meeting her and not knowing who she is, and why she torments you.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6647704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721


as a three year old I was suposed to know that?

we are not perfect and thus they have influence on us.


We 'wear' them like confortible clothes and let them speak through us.

yes, they have to 'trick' you into 'being in their frequency' I guess as an alegory.

so some say that is that the 'sin' gives the demons a license to tormet you.


I know very little about what the various sins will bring you, but I know from my own sinning what I got, and how hard it is, at times, to fight it off.


Yes, change youself. Become a good person. and then people who are demon fested will see you and they trigger by your spiritualness and try to shatter you piece and make you resonate with the hate.


We learn some it in bad cartoon, sick movies, awful media. The harp on the degenerate. The use of porn here, for example is to throw all the men into horny mode, and that makes them more susceptible to the influence of . . . dunt dunt dunt . . . those bad forces.


Sex is used as a weapon.

your desire is used as a weapon against you.

and if you feel 'love' they will tell you it's a bad thing.


And then, of course, you have to maintain the plausible deniability of it. If I was with you in a room I'd never tell you this stuff unless I thought I could trust you. It's too much for most people to handle. They need to start to figture it out on their own and then you tell them what you know if they ask about it. But I don't share this stuff with strangers on a bus, or at the grocery store.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.6647773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794


if you are the parents I have no say in it, but Anons don't meme children who are identifiable. It's been a rule here.

I know, only some follow it, but it's a good rule.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 3:13 p.m. No.6647831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've never put those images up.

and this is a free speech board, so I'd say, that sounds like a good interpretation.


but those are 'news' in some sense.


if it's a real photo of Joe being creepy, I say show it. It was a public photo taken in a public place.


but he's creepy with everyone, not just children. So you can get him doing that to just about everyone.


I like to be tasteful and try and be 'good' to my meme subjects.

Anonymous ID: e81098 June 1, 2019, 3:21 p.m. No.6647880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7919


I did a lot of meditation on the 37th psalm. I recommend it.

that and 46th and 91st.


read those repeatedly till you understand them, study them in different translations if you have a hard time with them, and remember that your free will means that God gives you what you ask for only if it's really good for you. Ask for His help. You will be heard.

you may have a long row to hoe, a list of sins that you did that you need to work through and try and forgive all those involved, and also those who hurt you.


Only when yuo start to forgive the humans who were your tormentors, understand they were under demonic influence, will you start to become more aware of He who you say you don't know.

He's probably been with you the whole time and you just aren't aware of him . . .

so just do the meditation, go over your past, recollect your sins, and prepare to feel like a wretched piece of crap.

at some point you'll to this part where you have a great Fear of The Lord and you understand that booming thunder could come and roll you out of your bed onto the floor and destroy your world.

but why doesn't it happen? Becusae the Lord does love you and does care about you and sustain you. Only then, if you keep reviewing and forgive and breaking all the curses, as you recognize them having been put upon you because of your own sin, and you might blame others, when you get farther . . .

you'll stop wanting to hurt yourself.