Anonymous ID: 1d1b2e June 1, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.6648617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8643

Report: Site of Virginia Beach Shooting Another Gun-Free Zone


The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) unearthed information showing the site of the Virginia Beach shooting was a gun-free zone for city employees.


CPRC reports: “Virginia Beach bans employees from being able to carry guns. In addition, while it was indeed possible for a civilian to enter the ‘Operations Building’ where the attack occurred, the ‘Operations Building,’ as its name suggests, was a building where virtually only employees would be in.”


This incident comes just months after an Aurora, Illinois, attacker opened fire in Henry Pratt Company, which was also a gun-free zone.


The most heinous of high-profile shootings have been gun-free zones. Those shootings include Lone Star Bar & Grill (November 7, 2018), the Parkland high school (February 14, 2018), Orlando Pulse nightclub (June 12, 2016), San Bernardino (December 2, 2015), Umpqua Community College (October 1, 2015), Lafayette movie theater (July 23, 2015), Sandy Hook Elementary School (December 14, 2012), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), D.C. Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012), the Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007), among others.


CPRC examined mass public shootings for the time period of 1950 to May 2018 and found that 97.8 percent of them occurred in gun-free zones. Yet Democrat politicians respond to these shootings by pushing laws that make it even harder for law-abiding citizens to be armed to shoot back.