The COM-12 Briefing (1/2)
Is this a precursor to Q:
No one seems to know the provenance of this document, detailing mind control capabilities of US intelligence, in particular an apparently rogue (in some sense) component of the intel establishment intent on undermining the Constitution.
The document starts with a handwritten note, saying: "High level split in intell org, Spring 1992". Ring any bells with anyone?
The opposing factions are described in the document as "Aquarius Group Operations" (AGO) on the one hand, and on the other, the "COM personnel" for whom this document has been prepared; on Page 2, it says:
—"The following will outline Mind Control procedures from post-World War II to the present. The objective of this briefing is to make all COM personnel and some population bases in civilian structure aware of projects planned for full implementation between 1990 and 1995. These procedures will allow AGO and other world intelligence groups within the "Circle of Seven" alliance to achieve their goals of an unarmed, docile and compliant world population if not prevented."—
Here an intriguing handwritten note says this Circle of Seven is "Seven individuals like SPECTOR in James Bond" – it was actually "Spectre" in the Bond novels, standing for "Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion", thus with the English spelling.
Earlier, the document states:
—It is part of Aquarius operations to bring this about in more
of a repetitive pattern over a period of many years in order
to increase the callous disregard for human life by others
who reside in high population-density zones. Especially
targeted are large urban areas where street gangs are
prevalent. In the over all scenario of senseless and unprovoked killings increasing as time passes, The Aquarius
Operation feels they will eventually condition the public to
welcome the eventual confiscation of firearms, setting of
curfews, mandatory Bar Code I.D.'s which will be subdermally (under the skin) inserted, and general areas of
Martial Law. (Refer to files on REX 84, KING ALFRED,
—It is felt among many that the erosion of Constitutional
Rights will be readily accepted by the majority in return for
government promises of elimination of gang killings, mass
killings by lone gunman, and termination of drug trafficking
in all areas. Projects WATCHTOWER, POPPY and ULTRA
will then also play important roles in "sedation" of the population through various chemical, biological and radio frequency manipulation in order to achieve the overall goal of
a One World ruling structure by the year 2000 to 2003.—
(Their timing was obviously a little out…)
My real interest in this document is its warning that the cellphone network and its associated towers are a massive weapon being deployed on the civilian population:
— With a general ignorance through arrogance of most public population in the U.S., the erection of large cellular towers being carried out under HIGH TONE and XENO are largely going completely unnoticed. These projects are being carried out in private business capacities and therefore in Deep Black Operations cover. However public populations would be wise to educate themselves in the construction of these seemingly innocent towers in large population areas. The cellular 800 MHZ waves are a constant wave . Due to the great proliferation of towers in key population areas, they will have a devastating effect when utilized by Aquarius Group Operations if the condition persists. [See photographs on attached]—
The only pictures in this document are a few grainy shots of ordinary cellphone towers.
— Cellular Wave Frequency Communication facilities may be erected and utilized by the Intelligence Community to sedate, excite or initiate a variety of physical effects and ills
to implement population control or elimination at the time it is
deemed necessary.—
Note: "population elimination" – the cellphone network is intended as a massive stealth weapon capable of inducing lethal and non-lethal effects.
A handwritten note indicates that this electromagnetic mind control tech was used successfully during the 1992 LA riots. The document itself also notes that people who meditate or use marijuana "represent a problem in control and manipulation".
So: your red-eyed frogs may be self-medicating in very irritating ways to the powers that be.
Does anyone have the slightest insight into these Aquarius and COM groupings? Is the latter a white-hat operation? Is this the forerunner to Q of some sort?
And if so: why is Q so silent about the electromagnetic weaponry that has been deployed targeting the US population? Why is 5G being pushed so drastically by Trump?