Anonymous ID: fa1613 June 1, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6648182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8195


There is only one Living God and these were His prophets…

Aaron (Exodus 7:1)

Abraham (Genesis 20:7)

Agabus (Acts 21:10)

Agur (Book of Proverbs 30:1)

Ahijah (1 Kings 11:29)

Amos (Amos 7:14-15)

Anna (Luke 2:36)

Asaph (2 Chronicles 29:30)

Azariah (2 Chronicles 15:8)

Barnabas (Acts 13:1)

Daniel (Matthew 24:15)

David (Hebrews 11:32)

Deborah (Judges 4:4)

Elijah (1 Kings 18:36)

Elisha (2 Kings 9:1)

Enoch (Jude 1:14)

Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:3)

Ezra (Book of Ezra)

Gad (1 Samuel 22:5)

Gideon (Judges 6 through 8)

Habakkuk (Habakkuk 1:1)

Haggai (Haggai 1:1)

Hanani (2 Chronicles 16:7)

Hosea (Book of Hosea 1:1)

Huldah (2 Kings 22:14)

Iddo (2 Chronicles 13:22)

Isaac (Genesis 26:2-7)

Isaiah (2 Kings 19:2)

Horace Vernet, Jeremiah on the ruins of Jerusalem (1844)

Jacob (Genesis 28:11-16)

Jehu (1 Kings 16:7)

Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:2)

Joel (Acts 2:16)

John the Baptist (Luke 7:28)

John of Patmos (Revelation 1:1)

Jonah (2 Kings 14:25)

Joshua (Joshua 1:1)

Judas Barsabbas (Acts 3:15)

Lamech (Genesis 5:28-29)

Lucius of Cyrene (Acts 13:1)

Malachi (Malachi 1:1)

Manahen (Acts 13:1)

Micah (Micah 1:1)

Micaiah (1 Kings 22:9)

Miriam (Exodus 15:20)

Moses (Deuteronomy 34:10)

Nahum (Nahum 1:1)

Nathan (2 Samuel 7:2)

Noah (Genesis 7:1)

Obadiah (Obadiah 1:1)

Oded (2 Chronicles 15:8) Father of Azariah the prophet

Oded (2 Chronicles 28:9)

Philip the Evangelist (Acts 8:26) Note: His four daughters also prophesied (Acts 21:8, 9)

Paul the Apostle (Acts of the Apostles 9:20)

Samuel (1 Samuel 3:20)

Shemaiah (1 Kings 12:22)

Silas (Acts 15:32)

Simeon Niger (Acts 13:1)

Two Witnesses (Revelation 11:3)

Uriah (Jeremiah 26:20)

Zechariah, son of Berechiah (Zechariah 1:1)

Zechariah, son of Jehoiada (2 Chronicles 24:20)

Zephaniah (Zephaniah 1:1)