Because I believe in the power of Prayer. And I know the Satanists believe in the power of prayer, too. And I know that everything about the Billy Graham ministries is done in the name of Satan and NOT in the name of the One True Loving God (even while many good followers are surely deceived).
So I just can't help thinking that Jack Graham is calling on his Satanist brothers to pray for harm to our President. And I wonder if POTUS is calling on us to pray in response.
The Graham video re-tweeted by Trump asks for "[their] church to join with us as we pray that The President would know His grace and peace, that God would draw him near and close to himself…That we could experience REVIVAL in our nation."
I don't like the sounds of asking that God draws President Trump close, at all. That certainly has a double-meaning. In addition, the Satanists preach a concept of REVIVAL that is not a loving one for all mankind – [their] REVIVAL is an Armageddon and total enslavement of humanity.
Just listen to the Satanic lyrics of Avi Kaplan's "Change On the Rise" which sings about a "REVIVAL" too – a song which gets pushed by Satanic shills on this Board all too often. That song which sings about a "jubilee" which will bring about Satan's "REVELING."
So I'm praying to God tomorrow (the loving God, the only God) for Trump's protection and for FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY OF ALL GOOD PEOPLE. Hope you'll join me, wherever you are.