Warren: Country ‘Broken’ Before Trump — ‘America that Elected Him’ a ‘Country with Serious Problems’
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said on Saturday at the MoveOn Big Ideas Forum in San Francisco that the United States had “serious problems” before Trump was in the White House because of the people who voted for him.
“A lot of people want to talk about the guy in the White House,” Warren said. “We need to talk about an America that was broken long before he arrived there — the America that elected him — that is a broken country, that is a country with serious problems.”
“But here’s the deal,” Warren said. “We have the chance in 2020 to take it all and make this country work.”
Warrens “big idea” at the forum had to do with another problem she sees in Washington: corruption.
“I want an America that doesn’t just work for a thin slice at the top,” Warren said. “I want to build an America that works for all of us.”
Warren said the federal government works well in helping pharmaceutical companies, “for-profit” prisons, and “giant oil companies.”
“That’s corruption plain and simple, and you need to call it out for what it is,” Warren said.
Warren’s plan to fight corruption includes putting an end to lobbying, prohibit former members of Congress from lobbying, end “the “revolving door between Wall Street and Washington,” enforce “ethics” at the United States Supreme Court, and create more bureaucracy.
“We need an ethics agency, scoop it all up and seriously enforce out conflicts of interest,” Warren said.
Warren also spoke about “racial justice” and her proposition to build three million housing units across the country. The people whom she said were harmed by past loan practices that discriminated against blacks would get federal assistance to purchase those homes.