Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.6649591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9660 >>9716 >>9762 >>9928 >>0148 >>0199

Absolutely, positively winning.

Every day, he lobs another grenade at 'em.


The tide has turned.

We're not the only ones who have woken up.


State Department will now require all visa applicants to provide social media accounts as Trump's 'extreme vetting' process finally takes effect


New policy has taken effect after approval of revised visa application forms

Visa applicants must provide social media, email addresses and phone numbers

Change is expected to affect about 15 million who apply for US visas annually

Trump has been calling for 'extreme vetting' measures for the past two years




They forfeited their right to bitch the minute they cranked up this operation:


San Francisco State University, the University of Oregon and Western Kentucky University all announced within the last two weeks that they would close their Confucius Institutes after the Department of Defense declined their requests for waivers that would allow them to continue to operate both a Confucius Institute and a Defense Department-funded Chinese Language Flagship program. The National Defense Authorization Act signed into law last August prohibits universities that host Confucius Institutes from receiving Defense Department funding for Chinese language study. The Pentagon declined all requests it received for waivers to that prohibition, according to Newsweek…


…At their peak, close to 100 American universities hosted Confucius Institutes, which typically offer Chinese language classes, cultural programs, and outreach to K-12 schools. An increasing number of colleges have closed the institutes as they have come under scrutiny from lawmakers who view them as platforms for Chinese government propaganda.


"Confucius Institutes, which are managed by an arm of the Chinese Ministry of Education called Hanban and are funded by the party's propaganda department, were first launched in the U.S. in 2004. At their peak, there more than 100 at universities across the country, but over the past 18 months around a dozen have closed.


Chinese officials have admitted, the institutes play a crucial role in China's soft power and propaganda efforts and have been linked to the United Front, the secretive arm of the CCP that tries to promote the party's policies overseas. Last year, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the agency had "concerns about the Confucius Institutes."


In a letter last year urging a number of Florida universities to close their Confucius Institutes, Senator Marco Rubio called this sort of self-censorship "much more difficult to measure but no less insidious."


This view is shared by fellow Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who sponsored the language in last year's defense spending bill.


"Senator Cruz believes that Confucius Institutes are one of many ways the Chinese Communist Party infiltrates American campuses, engages in academic espionage and suppresses education about China," a Cruz spokesman told Newsweek. "The U.S. government has no business subsidizing their propaganda, and in fact it’s in America’s interest to counter Chinese propaganda and stop intellectual property theft in our schools and universities."

Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 7:50 p.m. No.6649716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"Confucius Institutes, which are managed by an arm of the Chinese Ministry of Education called Hanban and are funded by the party's propaganda department, were first launched in the U.S. in 2004. At their peak, there more than 100 at universities across the country, but over the past 18 months around a dozen have closed.


>Chinese officials have admitted, the institutes play a crucial role in China's soft power and propaganda efforts and have been linked to the United Front, the secretive arm of the CCP that tries to promote the party's policies overseas. Last year, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the agency had "concerns about the Confucius Institutes."


A little moar:


Confucius Institutes: Academic Malware and Cold Warfare


"Although Hanban, the Beijing headquarters of the Confucius Institutes, commonly advertises itself as a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education, the instructional activities of which are devoted to promoting a harmonious multicultural world order, this is a benign disguise. Hanban is in fact controlled by high officials of the Chinese party-state implementing the policies of the PRC propaganda apparatus. The governing council of Hanban, which annually sets its agenda, has long been headed by a member of the Politburo. A number of its ranking officials, beside their high status in such ministries as foreign affairs, finance and national development, are members of so-called small leading groups of the Party’s propaganda and ideology sections – which thus function as conduits for the realization of Politburo policies in the operations of Confucius Institutes. And insofar as Confucius Institutes and classrooms are installed in colleges and K-12 schools the world around, these educational institutions function as peripheral propaganda branches of the Chinese party-state."

(pic related, but see link for horrifying animated graph)

Includes video interview w/Wray

"Many of the Chinese students involved in the CSSAs insist that they are only trying to bridge cultural divides and create a welcoming atmosphere in which Chinese students can thrive. But that hasn’t stopped some officials, including top White House aide Stephen Miller, from advocating for the government to stop giving Chinese students visas. Miller reportedly urged the president to issue a moratorium on all visas for Chinese students in an effort to combat espionage."


Documentary film "In the Name of Confucius":


"“In the Name of Confucius” is the first documentary exposé of China’s multi-billion dollar Confucius Institute program and the growing global controversies surrounding it, ranging from erosions to academic integrity and violations to human-rights codes, to foreign influence and potential infringements on national security."

Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6649902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for pointing out the semantics.


We know how devoted the Left is to the idea of projection.

"Progressive", therefore, actually means "regressive".


Pics related.

Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.6649992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9995


Congrats on the cataract removal, anon

Had it, was a breeze

Doc said his practice was seeing younger and younger patients with cataracts, apparently due to our use of computers/cellphones and many more hours spent reading, which causes us to notice the problem at a far younger age than previous generations.

No worries, anon, and enjoy your new vision after

Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6650029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My eyes had been shitty since elementary school, back in the 1960's

So not a ton of vaccinations

Not a ton of medications, either


Now, it IS possible my liver doesn't appreciate some of the liquids I've given it to filter over the years, kek


  1. Never drink anything that is a color not found in nature

  2. Never drink anything that comes in a souvenir glass

  3. Never drink anything that blatantly announces it is made with 15 kinds of rum

  4. Be suspicious of alcohol/ice cream combos

Anonymous ID: 872b56 June 1, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6650203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey, anybody seen Comey, McCabe, Strzok in Salt Lake City recently? Reckon they'd probably be going around in disguise if they were there.


"In other words, knowledgeable and experienced IG investigators are working with an experienced and unimpeachable (Obama-appointed) US Attorney to go after suspected abuses. Appointing a special counsel would necessitate starting all over again, beginning with recruiting staff, and then taking a lot of time to familiarize themselves with the evidence developed to date, and learning about the procedures and rules of the FBI and DOJ.


How many extra months would be required? How much expertise would be lost?


Of course, if worries about the inability of the DOJ to investigate itself prove valid, a special counsel always can be appointed. But let’s wait a little and see what develops out of Salt Lake City. Grand jury testimony is secret, but alert eyes might spot people like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and others entering the Scott M. Matheson Federal Courthouse in Salt Lake City one of these days…


…Speaking this morning on Fox & Friends, Sara Carter said that IG has already made criminal referrals on FISA abuses, according to her DOJ sources. These presumably would have been referred to Huber."


Very interdasting discussion: