Anonymous ID: 8db928 June 1, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6649658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you have not heard of CAFOs they are a good subject for a digg. Confined Animal Feeding Operations (such as massive hog farms owned by China) produce the same amount of fecal waste as human cities of 100,000 people. However, when placed in rural America the necessity of proper sewage treatment and disposal is less. Local health ordinances can be used by the citizenry to protect themselves from invasion by CAFOs. However, in Missouri there has been (successful, I believe) effort to REMOVE the ability of local health departments to use their rules to protect communities from CAFOs. I find the "swine fever/flu" ravaging Chinese hog producers very suspicious because Chinese interests own so much of US hog production.

Anonymous ID: 8db928 June 1, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.6649755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9852 >>0159


For large families to become reality in America a few things need to happen. Paul Ryan made some very lame remarks about Americans needing to have more children for the sake of social security or some such. I managed to send his office an e-mail, as to what Congress might do regarding vaccines, to make that a reality. I don't think I got a response. As a parent of some children I am livid over the medicalization of the birth process with the now obvious intent of convincing people that having children is dangerous and burdensome. The vaccine program is clearly weaponized, producing brain damaged and sick children who need exceptional amounts of care. I was NOT wise to all the problems when having my family but I am now. We need to STOP public promotion of gay lifestyles. Ordinary Americans are, for the most part, pretty tolerant of people with "different lifestyles" but as a casual observer of the "gay agenda" in school, kids are being PROGRAMMED to reject heterosexuality. I literally observe "closet heterosexuality" in today's young people! We need to END any sort of coercion to accept vaccines, social security cards, or "genetic testing" on newborns. These ENFORCED polices by hospitals (with fearsome consequences such as reporting to CPS) immediately communicate overtly and subconsciously, that your child is a possession of the state. Even better, women should labor and give birth AT HOME which is much safer than hospital delivery the vast majority of the time. I went through the agonies of the damned (even though I am NOT damned) to have my (relatively) large number of children. That I survived is an example of the keeping power of God through His Son Jesus.


Much as I dearly love my children, if current conditions do not change it is MUCH better to remain single and childless than to FIGHT LIKE HECK against your own government and "public health" authorities to raise decent, kind and healthy progeny. Get to know some vaccine free homeschooled or privately schooled children. That will rock your world and you will see why the pharmaceutical juggernaut doesn't want ANY of us to know the truth about the "shots".


Anyone wanting a healthy large family, cannot accept the medicalization of birth. Home birth with a birth pool is EXCELLENT.


Rant over.

Anonymous ID: 8db928 June 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.6649813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have seriously wanted to be able to consider moving to Hungary or Russia due to the fact that these two countries actually seem to support the creation of Christian families.