Anonymous ID: c5c333 June 1, 2019, 9 p.m. No.6650107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 80 gauges at major flood in Central USA. Last count around 600 gauges as some flood stage. The biggest shock is number of major flood gauges and it is supposed to continue for next 10 days to two weeks. Pic below

Anonymous ID: c5c333 June 1, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6650181   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Finklestein on Radio debating

As I was taught many years ago by the only honest Hebrew scholar that exists in the USA and maybe even the world, was that these "Jews", of which I always believed I was one, and all of the rituals, and holidays associated with them, ARE NOT Hebrew at all! Nor is any of what they claim or do original law as it was given by the true Eternal Creator. This traitor to the Creator and His original law of the "Everlasting Agreement", proves my scholar friend 100% correct by admitting their god is the evil one! And that his law is not the true Creators law. All proven further by their Babylonian based religion of death and destruction towards all souls, both human and animals.


I would generally post a sales link to this great Hebrew scholars books because they have helped so many people worldwide. However, I will not mingle the absolute evil and disgusting nature of this Babylonian child murderers words and intentions with the Righteousness of my friends work here.

