its one dude
he has 3 devices, one which he uses to ip hop
literally just one angry fat fuck
its one dude
he has 3 devices, one which he uses to ip hop
literally just one angry fat fuck
are they honestly paying you for this?
did you beat the lady in red boss fight yet?
kek, i do have to admire one thing about you shills
you manage to turn everything into an opportunity to insult
sure, the insults sound like they're coming from a 12 year old girl
but still, it is impressive how myopic you are
ok then Jesus, the 1000 years is a sorta joke because its been 2000 years
thats the only one that would fit the crying hint as well
future proves past
it was talking about the bible…
the prophecies from the past are being fulfilled now
so either Jesus or Tesla (Trump Sr. fren), id be stoked for tesla but i certainly wouldnt be crying at it
hmm, weird, to say the least
all the talent left
now they're just left with defango and brock, and brock is usually overdosing on meth
spurious and homoerotic