Blood Libel + Finkelstein + Child meat found at McDonalds + what we have learned here about how (((they))) use predictive programming (Soylent Green, Crabby Patties, etc.) + knowiing how we are goyim to (((them))) = Way too many "coincidences".
>>6650428 ←- JIDF SHILL Note id.
>>6650435 ←- JIDF SHILL Note id.
Everything I'm learning is leaning towards yes.
Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz
>>6650448 ←- SHILL A JIDF SHILL Note id.
>>6650454←- NO SHEKEL FOR YOU
I'm trying to get there currently. 100% top priority.
>>6650440 ← JIDF SHILL Note id.
>>6650607← NO SHEK
Just look at all the triggered JIDF cunts begging for (you)'s. Warms the heart.
Never filter anything, just put JIDF on blast and they don't know what to do. Can't subvert if they can't hide.
>>6650666←- SO MANY TEARS No shekel and obviously this is JIDF.
>>6650685←- Potus is right, trolling is fun.
>Am I Mossad or JIDF?
>>6650929←- Whoring out their donkey kike cousins.