Anonymous ID: d968bb June 1, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.6650549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0722



After the Soviet Union fell apart, all the wealth of Russia was plundered by (((oligarchs))) who dominated the country with their wealth and prevented the Russian President from acting in the interests of the Russian people.


When Putin became the President, he offered the oligarchs a deal: I don't confiscate your wealth and imprison you, and you stay out of politics and let Russians govern Russia in the interests of the Russian people.


Khodorkovky said no, I'm going to run for President to get this Putin guy out of there.


Putin put him in prison. (((Their))) servants in the west screamed and wailed for Khodorkovsky like they wailed for Jonathan Pollard.

Anonymous ID: d968bb June 1, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.6650962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0976 >>0996



It was alleged that MJ gave kids wine and called it "Jesus juice".


Calling wine "Jesus juice"? That sounds more like something a Jew would think a Christian would do than something that would actually happen.


"They suck… they're like leeches… I'm so tired of… they start out… the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything. End up with… penniless! It is conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose." –Michael Jackson