Last I checked, Prime costs $80/year. No reason to make Bezos any richer.
>>the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation
preparing to openโฆ means they've done diddly squat.
Last night I posted n article documenting three cases in which inmates were deliberately dehydrated to death. It seems Lynn de Rothschild's threat that we will watch our children die of dehydration is being tested and refined to a science. I posted a nomination for a "Watch the Water" possibility, and not even one anon commented. It seems both relevant and of great concern if people are being deliberately murdered by denial of water at multiple prisons around the USA.
>>Dark weekend looms over Trump's head, 6-1-19, stocks down, crisis at border, NK and China look bad, Merkle and Royal shun, Nancy on throne, IMPEACHMENT looms
Very true. Currently in the "dark of the Moon" time. Monday at about 2am EDT a New Moon begins a fresh cycle; the energy will begin to change, and fresh revelations will brighten POTUS' day.
POTUS has mentioned the need to reform the "criminal justice" system. Many people who know someone who's been incarcerated for unjust reasons are painfully aware how very corrupt the system is. Your expressed opinion unfortunately represents the majority opinion of all who are unaware of the vast population of innocent, nonviolent people currently rotting away in US prisons. Might want to dig; it's even been mentioned by Q.
>>I am surprised there are enough good ones among them left to form a Q team
Read the old crumbs; Q clearly said there are more good than bad.
They're the same people, with fresh marching orders.
Fren, this is a research board, not a survival board. Every survivalist will tell you situational awareness is key. Know who you are and where you are.
Guess you've never heard about ex-wives who lie about crimes because they weren't happy just getting half of everything. Happens to a lot of decent guys. Lighten up a little, Francis, even if you're too lazy to dig.
Go all-organic. Even non-GMO contains glyphosate. Glyphosate binds with minerals and deprives your body of nutrients needed to be healthy, while simultaneously killing both good and bad bacteria. This causes leaky gut, where food particles enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation, driving your immune system cray chasing down food particles as invaders. This then leads to food allergies such as gluten sensitivity (ie celiac disease). Good bacteria are needed to glean nutrition from the food you eat. Without good bacteria, your body will be malnourished regardless of what you eat. There are many things you could do to help your body attain robust good health; insisting on 100% organic is a good first step. Next, replenish microbiome (gut bacteria) and reduce fungal overgrowth caused by the prior lack of good bacteria.