Anonymous ID: b8879e June 2, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6651441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1451 >>1496 >>1533 >>1566 >>1650 >>1678 >>1775

Hello, Anons and Good Morning!


400 pound Anon here. Serious about the life-change, and wanted to get some Anons' input. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, dating back all the way into elementary school. Very large body type (although I shouldn't be weighing in at 400 pounds!). This is actually the heaviest I have been in over 20 years! The heaviest I have been was at 485 lbs, back when I worked in an office. Now I work in a factory, so I can keep pretty busy; but I think my old age is taking hold (and battling depression this long winter!).

Anyway, I am working on a daily regimen of waking up at 4 AM, make a cup of Keto Butter Covfefe and another regular cup of Covfefe. Make a huge glass of lemon water and do 30 minutes on treadmill or walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes in the early morning.

During the day, drink water and tea.

After work, at least another 30 min walking session; with Tuesdays and Thursdays weightlifting alternating upper body and lower body workouts.

I have done this before for a few months about a year ago and I was weighing in at 350…I felt so good! Then, for some reason I got hit by depression; but at this moment I do not feel depressed…I feel really good!

So, basically for the majority of the day my body will subsist off of the Keto Butter Covfefe, Water, and tea…then after evening workout (I figure 5:30 PM), I will eat ONE MEAL. High Protein meal.

Last night I had Vegan Chorizo (I am not a vegetarian btw, it's just a recipe I made up a few years ago that I really like and is loaded with Brown Rice, Quinoa, Chia Seed, Wild Rice, Steel Cut Oats, Chopped Black Olives, Chopped Mushrooms, Beets, Chickpeas (pretty much any types of healthy grains, seeds, and veggies you would want to throw into it…steering away from putting white potatoes in the mix, although I am sure it would work out splendidly!)

I usually fry it up with some eggs, then put cheese, sour cream, and guac on it! (With Sriacha sauce to boot!)

Also, I haven't smoked for over two weeks now (I believe I am done) and haven't touched alcohol in over a week.

Anyway, was wondering if any other Anons had suggestions or concerns about what I am doing. Would appreciate the feedback!

Anonymous ID: b8879e June 2, 2019, 3:46 a.m. No.6651607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614



I've noticed this too in the past. When I would break from a strict regimen and "cheat" that you could feel the difference in your body and my belly would actually start to bloat.


I am thinking my belly bloating at this moment has something to do with my liver size. As I have been drinking between 2 to 3 (sometimes 4!) bottles of wine a day, consistently since about October 2018 until just last week…so about 7 to 8 months of heavy wine consumption along with lots of Taco John's fast food.

I wish wine and Taco John's in mass quantities were healthy for a person!

Anonymous ID: b8879e June 2, 2019, 3:49 a.m. No.6651612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627 >>1629 >>1648




Wouldn't the bottle have to say it contains canola?

I think I am buying a good brand.

I'm buying one that's imported from Italy, it comes in a cool glass bottle with a ceramic stopper and a metal stopper holder=downer! The Olive oil is kind of cloudy and at the bottom there is a cloud of "stuff" that reminds me of the Mother in Braggs Apple Cider or a bottle of Kambucha.


I don't remember the name of it though.

Anonymous ID: b8879e June 2, 2019, 3:56 a.m. No.6651631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636 >>1646



You can't see it, because it is all covered up with Taco John, Burger King, and Oreo packages/bags; but underneath all that trash is a solid layer of empty wine bottles…and there are more that are not in the picture!

Gotta be over a hundred empty wine bottles!

This I gathered from October until around Memorial day.

Most is cleaned up now.

This is the Demon that I struggle with!

Anonymous ID: b8879e June 2, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.6651667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672




I will listen to it, because I do believe that spirits latch on to us and feed off of emotional impulses of the individual host.