Anonymous ID: 195b8e June 2, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.6652127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just realized why Democrats desperately want socialism in the United States; it kills two birds with one stone (I'm probably not as smart as most of you here and prob not saying anything most of you don't know, but I'm new here)::


#1. Their wealthy enemies are becoming too powerful.


Eliminating the wealth of the enemy is strategy #1

There are conservative billionaires who are sinking $billions into defeating the Democrats. If Democrats can create incredible tax hikes to destroy the wealth of these entities, they essentially eliminate the campaign strength of the opposition since the wealthy will have to re-direct funds to maintain lifestyle and their disposable income will be a thing of the past.


"But that eliminates the wealth of the wealthy Democrats too!"


No, it doesn't: kickbacks (see #2).


#2. Democrats can fulfill their commitment to the globalist UN.


Where do you think they money Democrats collect from socialist tax hikes is going to go? Remember when they freaked out because Trump pulled out of the TPP? Remember how AOC and clan wanted to spend $90T on "Green New Deal"? Remember when Democrats had seizures when Trump pulled out of the UN Climate Accord thereby literally saving the country $20,000,000,000,000?


I believe all of the money socialism will take from you will NOT be for citizens of the United States, it is for the UN, globalists and their ultimate agenda to disarm, de-fund and eliminate the enemy who won't play ball with them: The United States

Anonymous ID: 195b8e June 2, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6652513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525 >>2548

I'm sure every anon here has made the connection long ago, but Mueller was key in describing the "evidence" to invade Iraq for WMDs as well as (obviously) discovering the "evidence" that Russia "attacked our democracy"


Obvious I know, but not widely connected by normies.