>You can turn your life around with just a few simple steps
While cleanses, etc will work temporarily…long term answers have to do with understanding and education around our master regulatory system…
researchfag into the endocannabinoid system…
One of the first studies by pharma into the endocannabinoid system=ECS is they tried to manipulated for a weight loss drug (because the ECS plays a MAJOR roll in feeding/craving=how we get hungry/feel full/nourish)…
So pharma decided to block the CB1 neuro-receptor with a drug called rimonabant. The CB1 neuro-receptor has ALOT to do with inflammation, our immune response, and how our hypothalamus communicates with cells. The thinking was to "block" what was screaming for nutrients…
Drug worked GREAT..people lost weight like crazy..problem was they all got depressed and there was a suicide in the clinical trial…
ECS hold the answers to obesity and EVERY OTHER disease that is a disease of disregulation. The ECS is the master regulator of our bodies and is driven by natural resources. As we begin to understand what these are (not cannabis) we will have a huge health renaissance…already working on these healthy products and will dox eventually…just trying to educate now…ask away if questions…