>>6651441 LAST BREAD
You can turn your life around with just a few simple steps. EDUCATE YOURSELF ON HOW THE HUMAN BODY WORKS, it will take commitment on YOUR part.
Second, incorporate Smoothies daily
Third, move to a RAW food diet
THE MASTER CLEANSE is MOST IMPORTANT to getting your body cleansed of toxins so that the fruit/veg you eat can be efficiently utilized by your body. Read the attached pdf in its entirety. Not gonna lie, it's a hard cleanse. (I could only go 10 days)
The best thing you can do for your body is to eat FRUITS and Vegetables. You need to start with one smoothie first thing in the morning (1 part "greens of any kind" and 2 parts fruit of your choice, SMALL amount of water/juice to blend in a blender.) Then move up to 2 smoothies a day, then 3 or more. You can have other items at meals, just drink a smoothie first.
Try to move away from cooked foods as much as possible. You NEED the enzymes in RAW food-that is what your body craves and needs for optimal health.
Cooked foods kill the healthy enzymes.
Your body WILL go thru a detox
You need to research and read for yourself WHY you need RAW food.
The Master Cleanse. https://www.nowloss.com/master-cleanse-diet.pdf
GREEN FOR LIFE, Victoria Boutenko, pdf (free on the internet, if this one doesn't work for you, find another, keep looking til you find it.)
It is very important to read both pdfs as it gives you the WHY of what your body needs. I found this out the hard way…With a history of low caarb diets leading to diverticulitis, (requiring hospitalization and ALMOST having a colonoscopy), I had to radically change my lifestyle. This way of eating worked for me. You will feel amazing within just a few days.