Q up the Iceberg Meme!!
Her boys are better protected now. Please keep the prayers coming for them and for @POTUS and his Family. Thank you anon.
CNN Poll: "Overwhelming Majority (69%) [of Americans] Wants Investigation Into Obama DoJ Spying on Trump." Most startling is that 76% of Democrats want investigation compared to 62% of Republicans polled.
Checked sauce and appears legit. Will now check CNN to see if it's up or has been pulled.
Americans are ready for DECLAS Q & Q+
May you all be protected until your safe return. Praying for @POTUS , his Family and all who serve under him.
Yeah, I went for the (you) but believed this important. CNN has the poll up but damning numbers for the Dems and DS are buried deep in the article:
"In one point of partisan agreement over Mueller's work, 69% think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department's inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans."