>>6652741 Screw Schitt & all like him. Failed man, does not meet minimum requirements in any area. Reminder to you, Pencil Neck/Dick—the penalty for treason is death. We are enjoying watching you sweat blood from every pore as you contemplate this on the emotional tree of woe.
Barack Hussein Obama Barry Soetoro, aka Zero or the Kenyan or Spawn of Satan…..what a waste!!! An 80 IQ guy like him would have made such a fine janitor….or ditch digger…or sewer cleaner. But he just couldn't say no to a line or a sphincter. And thus, the world was deprived of his potential talents.
>>6653159 Kek to the meme, props to Sinatra.
As to these godless animals now being exposed as weak, lying nothings, may they all be dragged sobbing out to the gallows, in front of a million strong crowd of whooping deplorables.