Anonymous ID: ac213d June 2, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.6652755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2800 >>2843 >>2954 >>3157 >>3173 >>3196

'Trump Baby' blimp to fly in London for U.S. president's visit


LONDON (Reuters) - The “Trump Baby” inflatable balloon that was the focus of protests when the U.S. president visited London last year will fly again this week when he returns for state visit including a lavish banquet hosted by the queen, activists said.


The team behind the blimp said on Sunday it would be flown at locations near Donald Trump throughout his visit, after a crowdfunding campaign raised a target of 30,000 pounds ($38,000) for groups backing causes from climate action to women’s rights.


This six-meter high blimp, which depicts Trump as a snarling, diaper-wearing orange baby, became a rallying symbol for hundreds of thousands of anti-Trump protesters, who packed central London during his previous trip.


“Trump will try his best to avoid the public on his trip, but with Trump Baby flying we’re sending a very clear message of solidarity to those affected by his despicable politics,” said Ajuub Faraji, one of the organizers who label themselves Trump blimp “Babysitters”.


Trump and his wife Melania are due in Britain on June 3-5 for a state visit - a pomp-laden affair involving a banquet at Buckingham Palace. The invitation comes from Queen Elizabeth although the decision was taken on her behalf by politicians.



Anonymous ID: ac213d iphwka June 2, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.6652771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exposing The Lawlessness Of Assange's 'Slow Assassination'


With the news that Julian Assange is “wasting away” in Belmarsh prison hospital, and with UN rapporteur Professor Nils Melzer’s report detailing how this happens, I’m once again drawn towards the lawlessness that all “authorities” involved in his case have been displaying, and with impunity. They all apparently think they are literally above the law. Their own laws.


But they can’t be, nowhere, not above their respective national laws nor the international ones their countries have signed up to. They can’t, because that would instantly make any and all laws meaningless. So you tell me where we find ourselves today.


There’s this paragraph in an article by Jonathan Cook entitled Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law, which lists “17 glaring anomalies in Assange’s legal troubles”, that sums it all up pretty perfectly:


Australia not only refused Assange, a citizen, any help during his long ordeal, but prime minister Julia Gillard even threatened to strip Assange of his citizenship, until it was pointed out that it would be illegal for Australia to do so.


See, Cook is already skipping a step there. Gillard didn’t take Assange’s citizenship away, because that is against Australian law, but it’s just as much against Australian law for a government to let one of its citizens rot in some kind of hell. Still, they did let him rot, but as an Australian citizen. At that point, what difference does anything make anymore?


This is a pattern that runs through the entire Assange “file”, and it does so to pretty astonishing levels. Where you’re forced to think that the countries involved effectively have no laws, and no courts, because if they did, the actions by their governments would surely be whistled back by parliaments or judges or someone, anyone. They’re all essentially lawless.


There are 5 principal countries involved in the case (that doesn’t absolve any other country from its own responsibility for speaking out when international laws are broken). In alphabetical order, they are Australia, Ecuador, Sweden, the UK and the US. We can go through them in that order.



Anonymous ID: ac213d June 2, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.6653159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3164 >>3209 >>3249 >>3263 >>3286 >>3294

German SPD leader quits in blow to Merkel's loveless coalition


BERLIN/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Andrea Nahles said on Sunday she would resign as the leader of Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD), raising new doubts about the durability of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition with the center-left party


Merkel’s Christian Democrats and the SPD both bled support in last week’s European elections as voters turned away from mainstream political parties, eroding support for a ruling coalition that already came close to falling apart last year.


Nahles, whose SPD is a junior coalition partner in Merkel’s ruling alliance, said she would resign as party leader on Monday and step down as head of the SPD’s parliamentary group on Tuesday.


“The discussions within the parliamentary faction and feedback from within the party have shown me that I no longer have the necessary support to carry out my duties,” Nahles said in a statement released by the SPD.


The “grand coalition” is due to rule until 2021 but Nahles’ resignation could trigger the SPD’s early exit, forcing Merkel to call snap elections, to lead a minority government, or to seek an alliance with the Greens and liberal Free Democrats.


“The election for the party leadership is likely to be a vote on the grand coalition,” said Henrik Enderlein, president of the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. “Whoever runs will have to answer the crucial question of whether to participate in the government.



Anonymous ID: ac213d June 2, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6653190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3230

The History And Results Of America's Disastrous Public School System


All across the nation, students are being prodded like cattle into classrooms, and the one-size-fits-all approach is failing them.


There is a popular saying that “the proof is in the pudding.” In the first part of this article set, my colleague Mike Margeson spelled out the historical roots of the American schooling system. He clearly laid out the blueprint that men like Horace Mann used to build a system that does anything but “educates.” Factor in that trillions of dollars have been spent on schooling, and it makes it even harder to justify.


A Broken System

Yet we continue to hear the “Red for Ed” crowd scream for more funding. Here in the state of Indiana, the superintendent of public education is leading an assault on the state legislature for a meager 2 percent increase in state funding. Many educators are characterizing this as a decrease in funding! In no other walk of life would we continue to pour so many resources into a failed system. If you had any doubt about this after reading Part One, let me present you with some facts.


In what was one of many fiery speaking engagements, the late John Taylor Gatto delivered a line that has resonated with me as I have studied the effects the public schooling system has on children. In this particular speech, Gatto was recounting the story of Jaime Escalante, the educator who successfully taught calculus at Garfield High School in Los Angeles yet was forced to resign.


As he finishes describing the trials and fate of Escalante, Gatto explains that above racism and other forms of bigotry is the embedded idea that what really occurred was a deliberate attempt to stop genuine learning. Earlier in the speech, Gatto laid out a compelling case of how and why schooling is meant to keep citizens ignorant. This success at an inner city school was not going to be tolerated by the establishment. He implored his listeners to understand the real problem and to quit “fencing with shadows.”



Anonymous ID: ac213d June 2, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6653256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3282

Virginia Beach Gunman Involved In Violent Workplace Scuffle, Resigned Hours Before Shooting


More details about DeWayne Craddock, the Virginia Beach civil engineer who killed 12 people and wounded nearly half a dozen others (including a police officer) on Friday during "protracted gun battle" inside the municipal building where he had worked, have started to emerge over the weekend.


And from a series of interviews with those who had worked with Craddock, a vague understanding of what may have been his motive has started to emerge.


While Craddock had no history of violence at work or in his personal life, according to the New York Times, he had been involved in a violent incident in the workplace in recent weeks, and had been warned that disciplinary action would be taken.


City officials including City Manager David Hansen said Craddock "was still employed" by the city at the time of the attack. "He had a security pass like all employees had and he was authorized to enter the building."


However, the Washington Post reported Sunday morning that Craddock had resigned from his position by email Friday morning, just hours before the shooting began.


Despite having no history of aggressive behavior, Craddock had begun acting strangely in recent weeks, even getting into "scuffles" with other works. He had even got into a violent altercation on city grounds, and was warned that disciplinary action would be taken.


Though his motives weren't clear, his neighbors had told reporters on Saturday that Craddock's wife had abruptly left him in the not-too-distant past.


When he stormed Building 2, the building where he had worked for more than a decade, helping to manage the city's water and sanitary sewer system, Craddock was armed with two .45-calber hand guns, at least one of which was outfitted with a silencer, and loaded with extended magazines. Two more guns were later found inside his home.


Police have yet to comment on a possible motive, and the reasons behind Craddock's sudden lurch toward staggering violence remain unclear.