Anonymous ID: b1572f June 2, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.6653021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3045 >>3171

#8504 reposted in #8507 baker change

>>6650295 Former U.S. president Barack Obama urges Canadians to hope in 'dark age' (kek)

>>6650309 Biden declares that LGBTQ right his No. 1 legislative priority

>>6650336, >>6650537 Paul Combetta dig

>>6650346 Baltimore Missionaries Prepare For Trip To Haiti

>>6650239, >>6650385. >>6650393, >>6650396, >>6650402 Kappy Digg

>>6650539 DARPA capable of exterminating the human race

>>6650421, >>6650487, >>6650498, >>6650546, >>6650555, >>6650700 (You) Red shoe/witch Digg

>>6650704 The New York State Education Department on Thursday instructed a school district to delay its plans to implement the use of facial recognition technology

>>6650767 Israel strikes Syria after rockets fired at Golan

>>6650810, >>6650833 (You) Mexican president expecting ‘good results’ on US/Mexico talks but says his country "is already doing everything it can about immigration"

Anonymous ID: b1572f June 2, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.6653066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3071

How shills try to discredit bakers & anons

In last bread, a shill tried to turn a positive collaboration between anons and baker into a chance to claim the existence of a baker's union''' (see >>6652486 pb ).


[Context for the above comment is a report about how anons and baker worked together "out" the fake Combetta Raid story from 4chan; see CAP 1. Shill above didn't like that, despite the fact that notables are not endorsements.


'Reply to >>6652486 pb re baker's union:

Really concerned about "iffy" posts in notables? Add up all notables for the past three days, then pick out % of crap notables. Compare. Guess what you'll find? A TINY number of really crap notables; the majority are rock solid. Better idea: Analyze how shills try to undermine QResearch by creating fake notables.


Shill tactics to watch out for:

  • Throwing in undated posts that are old but sound like they could be new (best to make sure the link includes no date)

  • Using deceptive descriptions for posts in caps with tiny print

  • Deliberately leaving off sauce or using so-so sauce (makes baker's job harder)

  • Posting arcane and usually unformatted analyses that are hard to evaluate "on the fly" (baker won't have time). Have 1-2 other shills say something vaguely positive so baker might pick it up.

  • Nominating and seconding crap notables (espec. at night, when there are far fewer anons for "eyes on"). If baker includes, ridicule him as comp'd or stupid.

  • Attacking genuine notables that may be hard to recognize as such for various reasons

  • Crying "baker's union" at every turn, whether it makes sense or not; see above


Both CAPS show situations where shill tactics were defeated. CAP1 is described above; CAP 2 shows two "iffy" analyses. Baker asked anons for feedback; as a result, two posts were kicked out of notables. Same bread (#8504).

Anonymous ID: b1572f June 2, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6653118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3125 >>3195

Sorry, too many "you"s let me try again….


#8504 reposted in #8507 baker change

>>6650295 Former U.S. president Barack Obama urges Canadians to hope in 'dark age' (kek)

>>6650309 Biden declares that LGBTQ right his No. 1 legislative priority

>>6650336, >>6650537 Paul Combetta dig

>>6650346 Baltimore Missionaries Prepare For Trip To Haiti

>>6650239, >>6650385. >>6650393, >>6650396, >>6650402 Kappy Digg

>>6650539 DARPA capable of exterminating the human race

>>6650421, >>6650487, >>6650498, >>6650546, >>6650555, >>6650700 Red shoe/witch Digg

>>6650704 The New York State Education Department on Thursday instructed a school district to delay its plans to implement the use of facial recognition technology

>>6650767 Israel strikes Syria after rockets fired at Golan

>>6650810, >>6650833 Mexican president expecting ‘good results’ on US/Mexico talks but says his country "is already doing everything it can about immigration"