Anonymous ID: f73845 June 2, 2019, 8:45 a.m. No.6652839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2902 >>2914 >>2987 >>3130 >>3249 >>3286 >>3294

Exposing the RINO Underground By Smoking Out the ‘Never Trumpers’ One-by-One


It took a complete outsider with political views no one completely knew, and in whose consistency no one could be completely certain, to come in and change not only Washington but to save the Republican Party. Most fair-minded sincere Republicans who legitimately doubted in 2016 whether Trump would be true to his promises and remain sincerely consistently conservative have come aboard, fully persuaded by now that he truly is the first real Republican conservative President since Reagan and thus only the second in nearly a century. But what of the others? Not merely the “Never Trumpers” but the outright RINOs, the absolute Counterfeits?


That may prove to be yet another of Trump’s lasting legacies. He drives them crazy, thereby driving them out of hiding to expose themselves so that they can be identified clearly. When future GOP Presidential candidates emerge in future years, the Counterfeits now are known. The kind of Counterfeit “Republican” who can say on Left media that Republican voters should select a Hillary, should vote Democrat, meaning that the Supreme Court would be lost along with the federal appellate courts and district courts… who could oppose efforts to control the southern border… who could oppose tougher trade policies overseas and more generous tax cuts at home. Such a person is a bane on the Republican Party, ruining it from the inside far worse than can any Democrat Left politician outside. Such RINOs and Counterfeits continually have prevented the emergence of a viable conservative mainstream voice in our country through the decades, resulting in so much of the corroded social and political infrastructure that exists today.


Like a strong but heavily toxic antibiotic used to fight Lyme disease or some sepsis in the body, but which causes real pain as it drives the embedded poisons out into the bloodstream, Trump has driven so much of the foreign RINO bodies out of their embedded cells, but they have not yet been extracted completely from the body politic of the GOP. More time is needed to extract it all as the RINO Underground and outright Counterfeits get exposed, one-by-one. That, too, is the swamp Trump has uncovered for draining. It yet may be Trump’s greatest contribution to making America great again.

Anonymous ID: f73845 June 2, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.6653209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6653159 German SPD leader quits in blow to Merkel's loveless coalition



'Nahles, whose SPD is a junior coalition partner in Merkel’s ruling alliance'

'The “grand coalition” is due to rule until 2021 but Nahles’ resignation could trigger the SPD’s early exit, forcing Merkel to call snap elections, to lead a minority government, or to seek an alliance with the Greens and liberal Free Democrats.'

Anonymous ID: f73845 June 2, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.6653282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This makes no sense:

>While Craddock had no history of violence at work or in his personal life, according to the New York Times, he had been involved in a violent incident in the workplace in recent weeks, and had been warned that disciplinary action would be taken.