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A Prayer for President Trump

February 12, 2017 Veronika West


“God, clear my name. Plead my case against unjust charges of these ungodly workers of wickedness. Deliver me from these lying degenerates,” Psalm 43:1 TPT


Mighty Lion of Judah, roar over our nation and through Your people in intercession.


Father, I pray that you intervene in a mighty way and vindicate President Trump and make it known that you are God and that you are the One who is moving mightily through Trump on their behalf.


Melt the hearts of the protesters with Your Holy Fire. Cause it to come to pass, Your perfect Will as your Kingdom comes to pass in America.


Back up every plan that you have given President Trump. Pull down the strongholds trying to block your plans. Rise up mightily, LORD, on behalf of President Trump.


Cover President Trump, Vice President Pence, their families and administration with the power of Your blood over their minds, bodies, souls and spirits.


I cover them with Psalm 91, such that nothing can harm them.


May Your angels watch over and protect them. No evil can overtake them. No weapon formed against them shall prosper, in Jesus’ name.


This is the day You have made and we shall rejoice in your victory over it. We continue to stand with You, that Your will be done in and through President Trump.


Thank you Jesus, for Your faithfulness, for You started a good work in and through President Trump and You will complete it.


I decree and declare that the mountains of hindrance will melt like wax at Your presence over this nation and I cry out for Your Holy Fire and Revival sweep through and convict hearts.


I pray that you will rise up and live bigly through your people this day.


Rise up Your mighty army of warring worshipers, that we boldly take back the land, and even more than ever before. We will not back down promoting that You are King and that You alone reign over the United States of America.


And I thank You for your work in uniting the USA with Israel. Pour down Your Fire and Rain over our nations. Together we will be a Lighthouse that leads all nations to you.


Yes, You are king and we worship you alone.


I decree and declare that all men will bow down and declare that You are King over this nation! In Jesus’ name!