I wonder what VQC has planned for June…
Reset? Assange?
Ooh la laaaaa…..
I wonder what VQC has planned for June…
Reset? Assange?
Ooh la laaaaa…..
That is all.
Q is just a messenger, not the one who does things.
You'll need to ask someone else or hit up your closes scarf store.
Busy saving the world would translate to not being able to hop on the comms because it would jeopardize whatever operation is supposedly habbening.
Again, Q doesn't "do" anything outside of comms.
Trump and Q have the Right To Remain Silent.
We are not here to take that away from anyone.
Dafuq is wrong with you?
Yeah… it's a job…
And nowhere in its description does it say that they have to speak when told.
If that's what you wanted, you should have hired actors, since that's their job.
At what point in the history of any country or organization has the head of institution been forced to speak on command whenever the customers or shareholder arbitrarily demanded it?
Never in the history of anything has that been the case.