Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.6653431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3445 >>3459


Cher: If Trump Wins Re-election, He’ll Put LGBTQ People ‘In Internment Camps’

Left-wing pop icon Cher went on the attack against President Donald Trump and his supporters, this time with a new conspiracy theory insisting that Trump intends to put gay people in “internment camps.”

The Half Breed singer’s tweet was in reaction to a BuzzFeed story reporting that Donald Trump has become the first U.S. president to recognize LGBTQ Pride month.


But Cher was incensed by the president’s recognition of the month and hyperbolically accused Trump of looking to put gays in “internment camps.” (pic related)


The BuzzFeed story came on the heels of a Friday announcement by the White House recognizing LGBT Pride Month.


“As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation,” the White House statement read, “let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation,” he wrote in a series of tweets. “My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!”

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6653503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3534 >>3560 >>3755 >>3979 >>4035


The Trump administration is sending Homeland Security agents and other law enforcement officers to the Guatemala-Mexico border, part of the White House’s ongoing efforts to reduce illegal immigration to the United States, officials familiar with the plan said.


Dozens of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents and investigators will work alongside Guatemalan law enforcement to fight drug-trafficking and better prohibit the flow of illegal migration from the country, according to a report from The Washington Post. The U.S. agents will work as advisers for local Guatemalan forces.


The plan, which has not yet been formally announced, will reportedly involve a number of Homeland Security Investigations agents and intelligence analysts, several agents from Enforcement and Removal Operations, and other law enforcement personnel. A senior DHS source for CNN said the entire plan will last for two years.


News of the deployment comes after DHS Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan signed a memorandum with the Guatemalan government that calls on both countries to work together to fight crime and reduce unauthorized immigration.


“I am proud to sign this agreement with Minister Enrique Antonio Degenhart,” McAleenan said on Tuesday. “Through our continued collaboration and partnership, the U.S. and Guatemala are formalizing a number of initiatives to improve the lives and security of our respective citizens by combating human trafficking and the smuggling of illegal goods, helping to limit ‘push’ factors that encourage dangerous irregular migration to the U.S., perpetuating the ongoing crisis at our border.”


The U.S. government has agreed to help Guatemala fight local crime. In return, the Latin American country has agreed to beef up its own border security.


The acting DHS secretary recently ended a four-day trip in the Northern Triangle, a region in Central America that is the major source of illegal immigration into the U.S. The goal of McAleenan’s trip was to find collaborative solutions with Central American leaders to hedge the crisis.


The deal with Guatemala has already appeared to bear fruit. Nine leaders of a major human smuggling operation were arrested Wednesday, thanks to a joint effort by DHS Investigation agents and Guatemalan authorities. The bust dealt a devastating blow to a cartel that transported around 800 migrants a year into the U.S. and boasted $10 million in assets.


DHS says dismantling criminal operations in Guatemala, which sits in a strategic location next to Mexico, can dramatically help reduce illegal immigration from Central America.


President Donald Trump on Thursday announced his administration would be instituting a tariff against all Mexican goods until their government does more to stop the flow of migration through its country. The tariffs, which will begin at 5% on June 10, are due to increase by increments of 5% every month and could reach a maximum of 25% by October.

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6653533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3560 >>3755 >>3979 >>3987 >>4035

NOW POTUS is "responsible" for 'black, transgender murders'? WTF?



Joe Biden speaks in Columbus, OH: "We've already had five, just this year, we've already had five black transgender women killed violently in 2019. It's outrageous. It must, it must, it must end. And the fastest way to end it is end the Trump administration."

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6653641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3755 >>3979 >>4035


>90% sure that va beach shooter sent this pic on Facebook before he died. Are we just accepting coverups now?


The Virginia Beach Police had a workshop planned Saturday on mass shootings

The Virginia Beach Police Department had scheduled a free community workshop for Saturday morning on what to do during mass shootings. About 24 hours before the class, a disgruntled employee opened fire in a city building, killing 12 people, police said.


At least 36 people intended to attend the Active Threat Citizen Defense session, according to the department's Facebook page. The workshop has since been canceled, police said early Saturday.


The class was planned days before the shooting and highlighted the need to prepare for potential active threat situations.

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.6653700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3785



US Is Dependent On China For Almost 80% Of Its Medicine

Experts are warning that the U.S. has become way too reliant on China for all our medicine, our pain killers, antibiotics, vitamins, aspirin and many cancer treatment medicine.


Fox Business reports that according to FDA estimates at least 80 percent of active ingredients found in all of America’s medicine come from abroad, primarily from China. And it’s not just the ingredients, China wants to become the world’s dominant generic drug maker. So far Chinese companies are making generic for everything from high blood pressure to chemotherapy drugs. 90 percent of America’s prescriptions are for generic drugs.


Many medicine used on our troops and veterans can also be sourced to China, reports Fox Business.

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6653731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3755 >>3979 >>4035

GOP Targets Comey And Brennan As Investigations Heat Up

Congressional Republicans have set their sights on former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan for their roles in the Trump-Russia 'witch hunt' that may have been conducted illegally using flimsy evidence.


In May, a dispute erupted over whether Comey or Brennan pushed to include the Steele Dossier in the US intelligence community assessment (ICA) on Russian interference. According to Fox News, an email chain exists indicating that Comey told his subordinates that Brennan insisted on the dossier's inclusion, while a former CIA official "put the blame squarely on Comey," according to the report.


According to former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), communications between Comey and Brennan are the key to unlocking the decisions behind the dossier.


"Whoever is investigating this, tell them to look for emails between Brennan and Comey in December of 2016," Gowdy told Fox News's Sean Hannity last month.


Republican lawmakers took Gowdy’s cue.


“Comey and Brennan have made a lot of statements, some under oath, about the origins of the Trump Russia investigation, the timing and role of the Steele dossier and reasons for surveillance of Trump campaign officials. As I’ve been saying for awhile now, some of that is inconsistent with the contents of classified documents and the sworn testimony of other witnesses,” Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee, told The Hill.


“And more recently, some of what Brennan and Comey have been saying is now inconsistent with one another. As Attorney General Barr said this morning, it just doesn’t jive. Someone isn’t telling the truth,” he continued.


Attorney General William Barr has placed Connecticut US attorney John Duham in charge of reviewing the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, while President Trump gave Barr complete power to declassify information linked to the investigation - leading Democrats to suggest that Trump would 'pursue a political agenda' while investigating the politicized 'witch hunt' against him.


"Selectively declassifying sources and methods in order to serve a political agenda will make it harder for the intelligence community to do their jobs protecting this country from those who wish to do us harm," said Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA).


Perhaps Congressional Republicans will focus next on Joseph Mifsud - the Maltese professor and Clinton ally who 'seeded' the rumor that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: f27d5e June 2, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6653798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Senator Kennedy: If Democrats want to impeach Trump, 'go to Amazon and buy a spine'


Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) on Sunday said Democrats who support impeaching President Trump should “buy a spine” and do it.


But he also said they'd regret it, pointing to polls that show a minority of voters back impeachment.


“Impeachment polls right up there with skim milk with the American people. But my advice to my Democratic friends is, if you want to do it, go hard or go home,” Kennedy said CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday. “Go to Amazon, buy a spine. If you’re not going to do it, let us get back to work.”