Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6654122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4171 >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email


NEW YORK — Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.


In an action characterized as “odd” last year by then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Rice memorialized the confab in an email to herself describing Obama as starting “the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’”


Grassley, in a letter to Rice, commented: “It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation.”


Grassley noted the unusual timing of the email sent by Rice to herself more than two weeks after the January 5, 2017 White House meeting on the Russia investigation, but mere hours before she vacated the White House for the incoming Trump administration.


The email, Grassley documented, was sent by Rice to herself on Trump’s inauguration day of January 20, 2017.


“If the timestamp is correct, you sent this email to yourself at 12:15 pm, presumably a very short time before you departed the White House for the last time,” Grassley wrote to Rice in a letter seeking clarification on a number of issues regarding the email and the Oval Office briefing at which Biden was documented as being present.


Also in the email, Rice used the “by the book” phraseology a second time, writing (emphasis added):


President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book.” The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.


From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.


The next part of Rice’s email was classified.


After that, Rice discussed the possibility of issues with sharing classified information with the incoming Trump administration — presumably referring to alleged concern that the Trump campaign had been colluding with Russia.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6654129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4156

‘I wouldn't let DARPA cat sit!’ Lee Camp digs into Microsoft & Pentagon fixing election system


The US elections system, heavily relying on computers, is said to be prone to meddling and various pesky hackers. Solution? Send in the Pentagon and corporations to make it “secure” and “transparent.”


The next elections in the US will be protected by a system called ElectionGuard, which is developed by the tech giant Microsoft and its partner, a “private” company called Galois, whose only investors are the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The system perfectly suits the US as well as other “democratic nations around the world” and it “will make voting secure, more accessible, and more efficient”– according to Microsoft at least.


Except it's not likely, given the history of Microsoft actually conspiring with the US government to break encryption, as well as the Pentagon's own lack of any accountability and transparency, the latest installment of Lee Camp's Redacted Tonight warns.


“The Pentagon can't keep track of $21 trillion over the past 20 years. What makes you think they can keep track of hundreds of millions of votes?” Camp wondered. He also explains how Microsoft's open-source coding system can be appealing to government spooks.


All with a healthy dose of humor and some zombie-references.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6654139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4181 >>4221 >>4272 >>4282 >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Pentagon sends stern message to White House over USS John McCain debacle


Should the White House have made the request to improve Trump's optics?


The Pentagon sent a stern message to the White House over the weekend after it was confirmed officials directed the United States Navy to minimize the presence of the USS John McCain during President Donald Trump's recent visit to Japan.

What did the Pentagon say?


Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan directed his staff over the weekend to reaffirm that the U.S. military will not be "politicized," Reuters reported.


"Secretary Shanahan directed his chief of staff to speak with the White House military office and reaffirm his mandate that the Department of Defense will not be politicized," Pentagon spokesman Lt. Colonel Joe Buccino said. "The chief of staff reported that he did reinforce this message."


While traveling to Seoul on Sunday, Shanahan reaffirmed his message to reporters accompanying him on the trip.


"There is no room for politicizing the military," Shanahan said.

What is the background?


On Saturday, the U.S. Navy confirmed the White House requested the USS John McCain be moved during Trump's visit to Japan, NBC News reported.


"A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain, however, all ships remained in their normal configuration during the President's visit," Rear Admiral Charlie Brown, chief of information, told NBC.


According to Reuters, the request originated in the White House military office. Apparently, staffers believed the optics would not be good for the president since McCain was one of his biggest political rivals.


However, as Brown confirmed, senior Navy leadership refused comply with the request.

What is the White House saying?


On Sunday, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney downplayed the incident, calling the request "not … unreasonable."

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6654160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

EU election fiasco: Head of German Social Dems & Merkel’s coalition partner to step down


Andrea Nahles said she will resign as the leader of Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD). It comes a week after the establishment parties took a big hit, losing the combined majority in the EU elections.


Nahles announced that she will step as down as SPD leader and the head of its group in the national parliament on Tuesday.


Some local media cited sources saying that Nahles is also considering giving up her seat in the parliament and quitting politics altogether.


Writing in a farewell letter to her colleagues, she said that she does not believe there is enough support for herself anymore.


The discussions… and the large amount of feedback from the party have shown me that there is no longer support for me in holding these offices.


The Social Democrats have been longtime coalition partners with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), with which they have formed ruling governments.


Chosen as party chief a year ago, Nahles led the SPD during the European Parliament elections in late May. The results were utterly disappointing for centrist parties across the continent, as the pro-European bloc EPP and the Social Democratic alliance S&D (which Germany’s Social Democrats are members of) lost their combined majority for the first time.


On the other hand, various anti-establishment and Eurosceptic parties, along with the Greens and Liberals, gained more seats during the vote. In its home country, the SPD was significantly outperformed by the Alliance 90/The Greens, losing a total of 11 seats in the European Parliament. Right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) meanwhile won four extra seats.


Both the Social Democrats and their coalition partner, the CDU, have seen their support dwindle in federal and local elections in recent years as well. This coincided with the steady growth in popular appeal for the AfD. The party, which is highly critical of the government’s migration policy, entered the Bundestag in 2017 and eventually won seats in all local parliaments.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6654174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4200

Peterborough: Labour Candidate ‘Likes’ Post About ‘Zionist, Slave-Masters Agenda’


Labour’s candidate in the Peterborough by-election is under fire for “liking” an anti-Semitic Facebook post which claimed Theresa May was advancing a “Zionist, slave-masters agenda”.


Lisa Forbes, who will stand in the election on June 6th, also commented under a post claiming Islamic extremists were created by the CIA and Mossad.


“I have enjoyed reading this thread so much. So much that trys [sic] to divide us, but there is far much more that unites us,” she wrote.


When contacted by The Sunday Times, Forbes said she apologised “wholeheartedly” for not calling out the posts, adding that, “Regardless of whether I am elected, I will deepen my understanding of anti-Semitism so I can act as an ally, challenging it wherever it occurs”.


The controversy is just the latest in a long line of anti-Semitism claims dogging the Labour Party.


Earlier this week Pete Willsman, a key ally of Jeremy Corbyn and a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC), was suspended for apparently claiming that Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis was “all lies” and “whipped up” by the Israeli embassy.


Jeremy Corbyn himself has also been revealed as having written about the “unbelievably high levels of influence that Israel’s government appears to have in the upper echelons of parts of the media”.


The idea that Jews or the Israeli government control the media is a well-known anti-Semitic trope.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6654186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202 >>4746

Israel depends on anti-Semitism



As I write, the latest episode of the “Labour anti-Semitism crisis” is playing out with depressing predictability on social and news media.


Pete Willsman, a left-wing member of Labour’s rule-making national executive, has reportedly had his party membership suspended after a secret audio recording – apparently of him – was released by LBC radio.


In the recording, Willsman apparently states a bland and obvious truth – that the Israeli embassy has been involved in whipping up the “Labour anti-Semitism” story as a weapon against leader Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party more generally.


It’s the latest testament to the sad state of the Labour Party’s “soft left” that some of its most-prominent young voices have repeatedly thrown veterans like Willsman under the bus in order to appease the Israel lobby and the Labour right.


But of course, such efforts are doomed to failure.


Every time this happens, I condemn it on Twitter. One of the reactions I read from some in reply, at times like this, is that Israeli and pro-Israeli lies and exaggerations about anti-Semitism are “crying wolf,” and that one day the real “Wolf of Anti-Semitism” will come knocking at the door – and nobody will pay attention.


There’s much truth to this. I do believe that the long running campaign of smears about a non-existent “crisis” of anti-Semitism among the Labour Party membership has led to some real instances of anti-Semitism, as the left-wing group Jewish Voice for Labour has repeatedly warned.


Yet in another way this reaction, in my view, fundamentally misunderstands something – it supposes that the Israeli government’s expressed concerns for anti-Semitism are real and sincere. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6654203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4214 >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR, Bilderberg Group


The Fake News organs that regularly shower Stacey Abrams with adulatory coverage are now mum about her entry into the secretive, shadowy corridors of power.



Stacey Abrams has really arrived. The former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives and the Democrat Party candidate in the 2018, hotly-contested Georgia gubernatorial election, Abrams scored a double anointing by major globalist groups during the month of May. First, on May 10, she was chosen to deliver the keynote address at the Council on Foreign Relations’ Seventh Annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs. She received the royal rock star treatment during that conference, as the great and the good packed into “A Conversation With Stacey Abrams,” a Q&A session emceed by New York Times reporter and editorial board member Eduardo Porter.


Then, on May 28 the Bilderberg Group issued a press release announcing its annual conference, which this year is taking place May 30-June 2 in Montreux, Switzerland. Accompanying the release is a list of the participants, an A-list of some of the planet’s wealthiest and most influential movers and shakers in the worlds of banking, business, media, academia, and politics, as Bob Adelmann noted in a May 29 report for The New American. And lo and behold, heading the list is none other than Stacey Abrams. Quite a coup for an unemployed former minor politician.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6654220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373 >>4431 >>4433 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Dupont and 3M knowingly contaminated drinking water across the US, lawsuits allege


The state of New Hampshire is the most recent state to file a lawsuit against several companies, including 3M and Dupont, for their roles in the contamination of drinking water across the nation. They join a growing list of multiple other class-action and state lawsuits in the U.S.


The complaints allege that the companies “failed to warn of the dangers of their products.” They also claim that the companies knew that releasing the compounds into the environment “would make groundwater and surface water unfit for drinking.”1


The culprit of the contamination is perflourinated chemicals (PFAS for short, which are a group of more than 4,000 man made chemical compounds.) These chemicals compounds are a pervasive, if largely invisible, part of daily life. They exist in furniture, carpet, waterproof makeup and clothing, nonstick cookware, firefighter foam, popcorn bags and countless other items. PFAS are also an established water contaminant, tainting the drinking water of approximately 19 million people across 43 states.



DuPont Deception


In fact, PFOS (which is one of the more than 4,000 compounds that make up the group called PFAS) used in firefighter foam led to across the board contamination around airports, military bases and firefighter training facilities. To date, the Pentagon has discovered PFOS in both the groundwater and drinking water at 126 military bases.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered PFAS in the blood of almost EVERY SINGLE person they tested.


Without a doubt, this problem is HUGE.


To understand what’s happening here, one has to understand the magnitude of the problem. Over the last decade, many US states—and countries around the world—have slowly realized they have a massive water contamination problem on their hands. PFAS were, and in some cases continue to be, widely used chemicals that do not degrade in the environment, and the health effects of exposure to elevated levels of it are just beginning to be understood.1


Dupont and 3M knew of the potential health risks of PFAS but chose not to alert the public. We now know that PFAS are very persistent in the environment and in the human body – meaning they don’t break down and they can accumulate over time. Elevated exposure leads to a greater risk of developmental delays, infertility and cancer. A study in Veneto, Italy revealed that young men residing close to a PFAS site had smaller penises and lower sperm count.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6654269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian embassy points to US media crusade to discredit Damascus with dubious evidence


This is yet another attempt to discredit the Syrian authorities, the Russian embassy stated


WASHINGTON, May 31. /TASS/. The US media is once again trying to discredit the Syrian government based on dubious evidence, the Russian embassy in the United States said in a statement.


"We paid attention to a series of publications in the American media [the New York Times, CNN] where the Syrian authorities were accused of misconduct against prisoners. As ‘proof’ they refer to an ‘extensive archive of documents’ belonging to the Syrian intelligence services that was collected by the crytpic organization known as the ‘Commission for International Justice and Accountability’," the statement reads.


"It is noteworthy that this NGO is extremely opaque - it is very difficult to find information about the organization in open sources [there is neither website, nor social network accounts]. We only know that it is sponsored by Western countries including the United States. Moreover, questions arise about the authenticity of the ‘documents’ allegedly removed from Syria - especially given the lack of public access to these materials," the Russian embassy pointed out.


"This is yet another attempt to discredit the Syrian authorities on the basis of dubious ‘evidence.’ Apparently, stoking anti-Syrian hysteria by the American media is necessary to divert public attention from the hardships that result from the illegal US military presence in Syria. With humanitarian catastrophes in the internal refugee camps of Rukban and Al-Hol at the forefront," the statement adds.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.6654325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4354

Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said that impeachment "is destined for failure" without Republican support, while blasting the party as “the cult of the president’s personality" and stating that he is actually against "putting the country" through impeachment proceedings.


Schiff, on ABC News’ “This Week,” said that while he believes House Democrats could impeach the president, the move would likely fail, due to a lack of support from Republicans in the House and Senate.


"I think we're going to do what is right for the country, and at this point, the speaker has not reached the conclusion, and I haven't either that it's the best for the country to put us through an impeachment proceeding that we know will, is, destined for failure in the Senate," Schiff said.


Schiff added that the president's "conduct qualifies" as "high crimes and misdemeanors," but said: "at the same time, we have to recognize that the reality — that one party, the Republican Party, has turned itself into the cult of the president’s personality and is not likely to act consistent with its constitutional obligations."


Schiff added, however, that if Trump "continues to stonewall" Congress, and "demonstrate his unfitness for office," congressional Democrats could move forward.


"There may be little additional cost to going through that process, even if unsuccessful in the Senate," Schiff said. "But we're not there yet and I think if it is a close call, close calls go against putting the country through that."


Schiff’s comments come as rank-and-file congressional Democrats have ramped up their calls for impeachment, following a rare public statement by Special Counsel Robert Mueller last week, who announced it was “not an option” for his team of prosecutors to charge the president with a crime due to longstanding Justice Department policy.


Mueller detailed the findings in his probe, maintaining that there was “not sufficient evidence to charge a conspiracy” with regard to whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election.


But Mueller did not mince words on his inquiry into whether the president obstructed justice.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6654345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Benjamin Netanyahu: The Fugitive Crime Minister


In a move considered surreal even two days ago, the Israeli Knesset – elected on April 9th – dissolved itself last night (Wednesday). Some new Members of Knesset didn’t even get to get to give their maiden speech.


The vote on dismissal came after a few political days which cannot be described as anything but lunatic.


In an attempt to get extra votes to get his government past the president, Netanyahu tried:


To get Labour to join his family, and failed.

He offered Tal Russo, a former general in 2nd place in Labour, the office of the Minister of Defense if he’d support his government. Russo, to his credit, said no.

Random Blue-White new MKs, still trying to find their way in the Knesset (in the lead rival party to Netanyahu’s Likud), were dumbfounded to be offered ambassadorships if they’d only support Netanyahu’s government. As this was a downgrade from the ministry positions they were offered in the last two days, they sensibly turned the offer down.

Haaretz reported sources in the Knesset said Netanyahu desperately tried to convince the two Palestinian MKs of the RAAM party to leave the plenum and avoid voting against his government, promising to stop the demolition of Bedouin houses in the south and recognition of an unrecognized Palestinian village; this ploy failed, as well.


With no cards up his sleeve and no rabbits in his hat, the so-called wizard of Israeli politics managed to pull an extraordinary act of self-immolation.


The “King” of Israeli politics failed to create a coalition, and he has only himself to blame. Let’s recount what happened, and begin with what we know. The unknowable will remain such.


Some basic law is needed. By law, once the Knesset is elected, the President must appoint an Member of Knesset – legally, any MK he so desires – to form a government. Without exception in the last 71 years, this was entrusted to the MK who had a majority around him. Often it was the leader of the largest party, but the system works by blocs: if you have 35 MKs in your party and can get another 26 MK’s to tell the President they support you, you will automatically be offered first dibs at the premiership. This is what happened: Netanayhu went to President Rivlin with 65 supporters, and was given 28 days to form a government.


He failed. This wasn’t of much concern, as it happens almost every time. Netanyahu then asked for, and duly received, the customary 14 extra days to form a government. This is all part of the coalition chicken game: the parties are trying to get as much as they can from the would-be prime minister. They want offices, budgets, sinecures, bills passed. They wave an unloaded gun around, threatening to shoot themselves in the head if the prime minister doesn’t cave to their demands.


So far, so good. Parties are supposed to represent their voters, and get as much as they can for them as is legally decent. But everyone knows the game has to end not 14 days after the extension, but 12: it takes at least a day to write down a semi-respectable coalition agreement, which is a binding legal document.


By law, there are three ways to resolve a case if a candidate can’t create a coalition in 42 days (28 + 14):

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6654365   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US-led Coalition Admission of 1,300 Civilian Deaths in Iraq and Syria


Responding to today’s announcement by the U.S.-led Coalition that at least 1,302 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes in Syria and Iraq between August 2014 and the end of April 2019, Amnesty International’s Senior Crisis Response Adviser Donatella Rovera said:


“While all admissions of responsibility by the U.S.-led Coalition for civilian casualties are welcome, the Coalition remains deeply in denial about the devastating scale of the civilian casualties caused by their operations in both Iraq and Syria.


“A comprehensive investigation by Amnesty International in partnership with Airwars, launched last month, revealed that more than 1,600 civilians were killed in the Raqqa offensive alone in 2017 – meaning the acknowledged deaths are just a fraction of the total numbers killed.


“Today’s acknowledgement of further civilian deaths underscores the urgent need for thorough, independent investigations that can uncover the true scale of civilian casualties caused by Coalition strikes, examine whether each attack complied with international humanitarian law and provide full reparation to victims.


“Even in cases where the Coalition has admitted responsibility this has only happened after civilian deaths were investigated and brought to its attention by organizations such as Amnesty International and Airwars. The Coalition has so far failed to carry out investigations on the ground or provide reasons for the civilian casualties. Without a clear examination of what went wrong in each case lessons can never be learned.”

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6654379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Policy of Creative Chaos: America’s Project for a “Middle-East Holocaust”


The Project for a New Middle East[1] is a Project for a New Holocaust. It is happening now. The policy of “Creative Chaos”[2] underpins the holocaust. Empire willfully destroys the sovereignty and territorial integrity of prey nations such as Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and beyond. Genocidal ethnic cleansing, mass murder and destruction are described benignly as “chaos” and as “creative”.


Empire deploys meticulously planned strategies to fabricate sectarian and ethnic divides, and to balkanize prey nations. The notion, as expressed by Condoleeza Rice, that the Middle East should be divided into a “Sunni Belt” and a “Shia Belt”[3] objectifies peoples, diminishes their humanity, turns them into fictional “stock characters” defined exclusively by perceived religious affiliations, and deliberately fabricates ethnic and religious tensions, all of which serve as preconditions for imperialists to create chaos and the disintegration of strong nation-states into fractious vassal states, devoid of self-determination and sovereignty.


Empire sees non-compliant, self-governing, secular, pluralist, multi-confessional, democratic states as enemies. Syria is all of the above, and therefore an “enemy”. Empire further destroys the “host” when it “opens the veins” of prey countries for resource plundering and criminal occupation. The oil-rich, strategically-located area East of the Euphrates is one such example.


When Empire supports the SDF against ISIS, it is polishing its fake image by creating the perception that it opposes ISIS, even as it re-introduces “rebadged” ISIS into the same battle grounds. Alternatively, as in the case of Raqqa, Empire “rescues” and redeploys ISIS elsewhere. Both terrorists and civilians are expendable in these demonic operations.


Empire rounds civilians up in terrorist-controlled concentration camps[4]. It “weaponizes” them by deliberately creating conditions of desperation which lend themselves to recruiting opportunities for new terrorist proxies. Daesh will never disappear as long as Empire is in control or seeking control globally.


As long as Western war propaganda remains ascendant, and Western populations remain oblivious, Westerners will continue to believe that these wars are humanitarian or in their national interests. In fact, the wars are anti-humanitarian, and they only represent narrow “special interests.”


NATO’s strongest weapon is its apparatus of “Perception Management”. Without it, NATO and the imperialists would be exposed as the Supreme International War Criminals that they are.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.6654427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4442 >>4447 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Who is attacking Syrian?


ISIS Claims Its Fighters Destroyed Several Syrian Army Vehicles, Killed Many Soldiers In Eastern Homs


IDF strikes targets in Syria in response to rocket fire

Syria says airstrikes in Quneitra and Damascus killed three soldiers, caused material damage.


Turkish-Backed Militants Destroy Syrian Army Heavy Machine Guns In Northern Hama With ATGMs


Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Executes 7 Alleged ‘Russian Spies’ (Photos)

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, executed seven Syrian citizens on June 1 after accusing them of being “Russian spies.”


US Coalition strikes Syrian gov’t boats transporting oil from eastern Syria


Who is the cabal?

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6654519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They’ve Stolen Our Future!


It’s time to have a serious conversation. I know we’ve been having it, but maybe there’s another glove hidden beneath the one we’ve already taken off.


Put bluntly, there doesn’t seem to be any hope of avoiding a collapse of civilization. The forces of the Business-As-Usual crowd are just too strong, the narrative machine too honed, the interests too entrenched to allow any sort of meaningful course correction at this time.


But is that the case?


Writing about the outcomes of the recent Australian elections which saw a pro-business, conservative government elected, Australian based reader-member ezlxq1949 said:


“They’ve stolen our future!”


That was the wail of the 11-y.o. daughter of a Greens candidate who cried herself to sleep the night after the astonishing election results came in. It couldn’t be worse; the public have sold themselves into almost complete captivity to the neoliberal élites called the Liberal Party. (Liberal = Conservative. Go figure.) It was supposed to have been a climate change election but became a jobs ‘n growth election.


Mind you, it wouldn’t have been much better if the opposition Labor Party had won; they’ve moved so far to the right that like the US we really have only one party with two heads. For instance, Labor would not commit to stopping the monster Adani coal mine.


So it’s goodbye to:


the ABC (the excellent government broadcaster which has the gall and temerity to criticise the government of the day; the government badly wants to get even)

renewable energy (fossil fools rule ok)

the Great Barrier Reef (sliced and diced to let coal ships cross it)

our river systems (suck them dry, privatise the water, send the profits to the Cayman Islands — as is already happening)

the Great Artesian Basin (world’s largest and deepest, to be contaminated by coal mines and fracking)

public services (cut back yet again to create a damaging government budget surplus)

public health (to be Americanised)

public education (to be privatised; maybe high schools this time)

the Great Australian Bight (a pristine area which may have oil under it; damn the pollution, full greed ahead)

southern ocean fish stocks (they’ll let the supertrawlers in now).


The environment is completely expendable. All resources are permanently abundant and all will be fed into the growth machine. Climate change is NOT HAPPENING. It’s fake, right? Bah. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we fry.


There’s one ray of hope. Steve Keen predicts a severe recession, Depression really, within 6 months to a year from now. Our economy is indeed wobbling already. This will happen on the Liberals’ watch and they will be blamed for mismanaging the economy. This isn’t supposed to happen. Only Labor does that. Only Labor mismanages the economy. That’s what the Murdoch press drums into our heads. The Libs will panic. The Murdoch press won’t know what to say. Maybe this will shake up people’s belief and confidence in mainstream economics.


I’m not sleeping well at the moment. I wonder why.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6654582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Tool Reveals How Far Left Google Censors Conservative Content in Search Results


The Gateway Pundit is one of the hundreds of conservative publishers, political operatives and social media stars who is being censored and smeared by Google.


If you ‘google’ Gateway Pundit you typically have to wade through several hit pieces before you can find a link to the website.

If you use search engines Duck Duck Go or DogPile you will have completely different and uncensored results without the far left bias.


Google is so intolerant that despite the fact that The Gateway Pundit it more credible than its mainstream competitors you cannot even find our articles in their search results.


This wasn’t always the case. Just three or four years ago The Gateway Pundit got a significant amount of traffic from Google.

Not anymore.

A Gateway Pundit reader sent a clear example of how Google is stifling results to The Gateway Pundit.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6654600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John 6:26


Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.6654630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4790

Something Screwy Happens When You Search “Virginia Beach Shooting”


Minds are being shaped at Google’s direction as alternative content creators are being squeezed out….here’s how it works.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6654697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US greenlights missiles for al-Qaeda-linked, Turkish-backed Salafi-jihadists occupying Syria’s Idlib


The Trump administration has approved a Turkish shipment of US-made anti-tank missiles to al-Qaeda-linked Islamist rebels fighting a Russian-backed offensive in Syria’s Idlib province.


While the US corporate media continues propagating the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is a secret Kremlin asset, the Trump administration has approved heavy weapons for al-Qaeda-allied, Turkey-backed militants to fight against a Russian-backed offensive in Syria.


The Syrian army has relaunched a campaign to retake the northwestern province of Idlib, which has been under the control of Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate for more than four years. Washington has responded by greenlighting a cache of US-made anti-tank missiles, rocket launchers, and armored vehicles sent from NATO ally Ankara to sectarian Islamist militants in Idlib.


Syria’s ally Russia had negotiated a peace deal with Turkey in September 2018. Ankara is militarily occupying part of northern Idlib, and the NATO member has constructed a dozen military bases in the Syrian province. But after seven months, Turkey and its rebel proxies have still failed to uphold their side of this peace agreement.


Under the deal, the Syrian government was supposed to regain access by the end of 2018 to major highways running through Idlib that were partially controlled by Islamist rebels. But Damascus still does not have authority over these critically important roads.


The peace agreement additionally stipulated that extremist militants in a demilitarized zone on the edge of Idlib were not allowed to launch attacks on Syrian government-held territory. Yet these Salafi-jihadist rebels have continued indiscriminately attacking civilian territories that are controlled by Damascus.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6654727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4749 >>4779 >>4821

YouTube, Gmail, & other Google services down in North America, some parts of Europe


Google services, including YouTube, Gmail and Snapchat, have been down this Sunday afternoon. The US has been apparently affected the most, according to user reports.


The outage has hit the US East Coast the worst, user reports on indicate.


Users complained of troubles with accessing such services as Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive and the backbone of the tech giant – the Search itself.


According to Google’s own Status Dashboard, a greater half of the tech giant’s services are down – and the situation actually got worse recently, with only Google+ and Google Cloud Search listed as working properly.


The issue appears to be related to Google’s Cloud service, its Cloud dashboard indicates. The troubles began around 3:25pm ET, according to it and were later confirmed to be connected “to a larger network issue.”


Reported outage of other, non-Google apps reinforces the theory that the issue is related to the Cloud – it powers apps other than Google’s own web services.

Anonymous ID: 0f5ab7 June 2, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6654766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4778 >>4787 >>4897

Did The Government Just Test The Internet Kill Switch?



"'I felt a great disturbance in the farce, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."


At 3pmET, it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline.

