Anonymous ID: 478267 June 2, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6654162   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

China Used This Exact Phrase Ahead Of Their War With India And Vietnam


Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” declared the China People’s Daily. And historians rushed to remind us that Beijing used the phrase in advance of their 1962 border war with India and 1979 war with Vietnam.


China assembled an “unreliable entities list” for retaliation against foreign companies, individuals and organizations that “do not follow market rules, violate the spirit of contracts, blockade and stop supplying Chinese companies for noncommercial reasons, and seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.”


Pence responded by warning Beijing we could double tariffs. “Engaging in activities that run afoul of US sanctions can result in severe consequences, including a loss of access to the US financial system,” warned the US Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism – you see, the Europeans are building systems to circumvent American sanctions. Today, those sanctions are directed at Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, but tomorrow they may be directed at China.


Naturally, the Europeans threatened only themselves - 1,500-year habits are hard to break. Germany and France fought bitterly over who would become European Commission President. Brussels warned Rome to honor its obligation to contain its growing debt. Italy’s Salvini threatened to launch a parallel currency – step #1 in the process to abandon the euro and default.


And out of nowhere, Trump warned Mexico to stop the immigrant flow in 10-days or face tariffs. Global CEOs who were rushing to rearchitect their China supply chains, digested the risk that these investments could be instantly devastated by some future tariff - imposed to achieve Americas geopolitical objectives - and they prepared to warn shareholders they’re putting new investment on hold.

As the US treasury yield curve inverted, with 3mth bills at 2.34% and 10yrs at 2.12%.

Which of course, is one of the most reliable warnings of looming recession.

(it is if you are looking at technicals ONLY)




“Economists generally use tax frameworks to evaluate the trade war,” said my favorite strategist. “They calculate a -0.4% hit to GDP, which is not such a big deal. But they’re using the wrong tool.” Tax frameworks treat tariffs as a tax. They then model how a nation’s currency adjusts to the tax, how corporate profit margins shrink to absorb the tax, and how consumers shoulder the remaining burden. “Tariffs are being used as a proactive, combative tool. The GDP hit will be at least double. Modelling these tariffs require more complex frameworks.”


“If all of the affected nations simply agreed to adopt new tax regimes, then the tax framework would work fine,” continued my favorite strategist. “But the world has built specialized supply chains. So if Nation A tries to hurt Nation B, and Nation B is part of critical supply chains that impact Nation A, then there are many things B can do to harm A in non-linear ways.” Banning rare earth metal exports is a small example. “Once Apple locks down their product production for Nov 2019 release, China knows exactly how to push that past Feb 2020.”


“Global trade was already in the process of fracturing,” added the strategist. “Now Huawei can’t use Google’s operating system.”

Their phones are as good as paperweights.

“But do you really want to bet that Huawei can’t spend the next 6mths building a competing operating system?” We’re entering a world of competing superpowers. “The overall impact will be to operate economies with redundant technologies, fewer efficiencies, lower ROEs, lower ROAs. And ironically, or perhaps by design, it’ll be bad for profits, but okay for labor.”

(like they have not made enough from the American people on both sides of this-china and our corporations-from us)

Anonymous ID: 478267 June 2, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6654241   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4373 >>4612 >>4779 >>4821

Opposition conservatives prevail in Greek local election runoffs


ATHENS (Reuters) - Local elections in Greece on Sunday saw the conservative opposition party making further gains against the ruling Syriza ahead of an expected general election next month, initial results indicated.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ leftist Syriza party suffered its first major defeat in years to the conservative New Democracy party in last Sunday’s European Parliament vote, prompting him to say he would call an early election.


The snap election is expected to take place on July 7.


On Sunday, the seats of the mayor of Athens and the district governor for the wider Athens area were the top prizes up for grabs in the runoffs of local elections.


Results showed New Democracy candidates winning both seats, handing the conservatives another boost before Greeks return to vote in the expected election next month.


The Athens mayor seat is expected to be won by New Democracy’s Kostas Bakoyannis, who got 65% of the vote, a 30 point lead over his nearest rival, with 98% of the vote counted.


Conservative candidate George Patoulis also led his closest rival from Syriza in the district of the wider Athens area. With 96% of the vote counted, Patoulis had 66% against 34% for the incumbent local governor.


In last Sunday’s European Parliament vote, Syriza trailed New Democracy by about 10 points. New Democracy on the same day also won five out of six regions in the first round of local elections across the country for a prefect, or district governor.


Results on Sunday pointed to it winning another six out of a total 13 districts in different parts of Greece in the second round.


Once a leftist firebrand, Tsipras, 44, came to power in 2015 on an anti-austerity platform, but was forced into a painful new bailout months later to avoid Greece being thrown out of the euro zone.


Greece emerged from the close supervision of lenders in August 2018. The government last month introduced tax cuts and pension payouts, going some way toward unwinding some of the austerity measures.


Some analysts have said the handouts may have averted a steeper defeat in the European election.


New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis has promised tax cuts and attracting investments to help Greece grow faster after the country lost more than a quarter of its output during the crisis.

Anonymous ID: 478267 June 2, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6654489   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4518

Some Boeing 737 MAX planes may have faulty parts - U.S. FAA


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said on Sunday some Boeing Co 737 MAX and NG planes may have parts that were improperly manufactured and that it will require their replacement, the latest issue to hit the plane manufacturer.


The FAA said up to 148 leading edge slat tracks manufactured by a Boeing sub-tier supplier are affected and cover 133 NG and 179 MAX aircraft worldwide. The FAA said a complete failure of a leading edge slat track would not result in the loss of the aircraft, but said a failed part could lead to aircraft damage in flight. Boeing has yet to submit a software upgrade to the FAA as it works to get approval to unground the 737 MAX that has been involved in two fatal crashes since October. It did not immediately comment on Sunday.