Anonymous ID: e845c3 June 2, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6654148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Ok, anons, I just finished watching the original 1975 The Stepford Wives from a novel by Ira Levin


What a beautiful psyop this was. Like a game of bingo for a QR junkie:


  • A secret society "Men's Club" involved in a dark conspiracy

  • Psychiatrists pushing pills (in this case portrayed as a savior)

  • Feminism

  • Robotic waifu

  • Pushing the idea that "real" women can't be housewives, unless they are literally robots

  • The evil mastermind is named Diz because he used to work for Disney

  • Has a button that locks his office doors from inside his office. Where have we seen that?

  • A VP from ITT got transferred to Panama "probably to start a revolution"

  • Tech companies involved in all sorts of black ops

  • The local cops are in on it

  • RAY CHANDLER (He's the former flame of the tragic heroine, and a chemist)


When I was still asleep I would have thought it sort of an absurd fantasy movie and forgotten it.


But once you see the idea they're selling, that you can't be a good housewife without literally being a robot, wow.


Awake anon sees the rest of it reads like documentary now, not fantasy.

Anonymous ID: e845c3 June 2, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6654226   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hexagons (6-sided) all over the place. Nice symbolism you got there.


I'm sure they could be moar obviously glowing somehow, but I'm not that creative