>>>6653945, >>6653983 Symbolism will be their downfall. Upside down stars.
FWIW… This is defacing the Flag, is it not?
What are the penalties for defacing a US flag?
>Technically, they're not US flags to begin with.
I didn't think about it that way.. You're right.
They weren't made correctly to begin with, so they are counterfeit.
>>>6654306, >>6654361 Google engine down. Regional YouTube issues. Outage spreads to Snapchat and Uber.
I wonder if this is related to the phone software, too?
It (the UI of the phone settings) is designed to make it nearly impossible for anyone but a computer savvy person to disable the tracking and data collection → >>6240511
So under that reasoning, anons that are bringing crime to the public record are shilling for the Truth?
I'm fine with that.
> Masterful Psyop that worked and continues to work to perfectio
Masterful indeed.
Orchestrate a psyop that induces people to be resistant to psyops… While at the same time inveigling, and kneecapping the very group that abuses psyops for ilicit gains in the first place.
The cherry on top is that the citizens become the new media to fill the void..
And I quote:
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
vid relates. I've spammed it a bunch, but retired or not, General Flynn is my General.
>Q prevented a falsely engineered civil war in America.
This is true. It can be summed up one sentence:
Q… Found the so-called "silent majority", and figured out how to make them realize that they were strong by inducing them to trust themselves and think for themselves, which by definition makes that demographic resistant to further mental tampering, which makes them stop being ~~silent~~ complacent to being silenced…
The end.