BARR is Experiencing some resistance is receiving Key Documents.
APPLY THE CRIMINAL CODES (This is not that difficult)
Barr should immediately send a letter to all government employees that he has a sworn duty do prosecute anyone who hides, alters, destroys or delays information that is needed to do proper investigations according to policies and procedures will be terminated and possibly charged with obstruction of Justice etc.
PDJT “Knows” directly/indirectly where the paper/digital trails of evidence are located.
If any department FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, shows any resistance of producing documents; PDJT and Barr have the power to by-pass normal procedures for the release of Documents by walking into the FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI or any department and demand documents immediately.
PDJT and the Attorney General will do their “Sworn Duty” of having the A/G and maybe even P/T control directly each department FBI/DOJ (P/T stated if he needs to manage the FBI/DOJ directly he will).
Following the paper/digital trials and arrest several hundred immediately (Easily done).
Charge each employee on each count of obstruction of Justice mounting to many years in prison.
In Short; apply the criminal code.
P/T and Barr has the option to drill deep into the criminal swamp even below upper management if needed.
I also agree with the President’s power to acquire documents and finding each person will not be that difficult. Good way to drain the Criminal Swamp.
In addition; the documents that have been over-classified intentionally to hide evidence is also obstruction and there is a footprint that clearly show who ordered and implemented the order. It is easily proven that the documents were classified for no reason other than to hide the coup. In fact many documents have been held back for a year under the disguise of being highly classified, are now shown to have been done to hide evidence. How easy is this to apply the direct criminal codes?
In the Corporate world; the President of a company will usually follow policies and procedures to request documents or any information to make decisions. If there appears to be resistance; the President of the company can walk into any department and immediately demand documents.
The Constitution is not going to be destroyed by a Coup because the President and the Attorney General will not do their sworn duty by walking into any department (FBI/DOJ) demanding documents.
These documents belong to the American People and the People elected P/T to expose these documents to the American People. P/T has the power given by the Constitution/People to personally obtain these documents.
The FBI/DOJ/CIA and DNI works for the President of the United States and the American People who pay their salaries. FBI/DOJ/CIA and DNI do not rule and control the United States.