Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.6654910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978

‘Historic Moment’ as Brexit Party Tops Westminster Polls for First Time


Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brexit Party have sensationally topped the opinion polls in national elections for the first time, with Nigel Farage hailing it as a “historic moment”.

The poll by Opinium showed that, in the event of a general election, the Brexit Party would be the largest party in Parliament with 26 per cent of the vote.

The Labour Party came second on 22 per cent and the governing Conservative Party in third place on 17 per cent, followed by the Liberal Democrats on 16 per cent. The Green Party received 11 per cent — a significant rise for them from just four per cent in the last Opinium poll.

Meanwhile, the anti-Brexit Change UK (CUK) party achieved just one per cent.

According to an electoral seat calculator, the poll’s results would translate to 306 seats in the House of Commons — only 20 short of a majority — for the Brexit Party, with the Labour Party on 205 seats and the Tories down to just 26 seats.

The new survey results come just a week after the Brexit Party won the European Parliamentary Elections in Britain, and just days after a YouGov poll showed the party in a close second place in a national opinion poll — despite the pollsters hiding them in the “Other” category.

Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6654941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978 >>5004 >>5234 >>5307 >>5363 >>5481 >>5529 >>5603 >>5613

‘Aladdin’ Star Sues Tesla over Car Wreck


The star of Disney’s live-action Aladdin film, Mena Massoud, is reportedly suing electric car manufacturer Tesla over a recent car wreck in his Tesla Model 3, according to TMZ. A lawsuit obtained by TMZ shows that Massoud is claiming that his brand new Tesla Model 3 had multiple manufacturing and design defects that caused him to crash into a tree.

Massoud alleges that he purchased the Tesla vehicle in September and the next day was driving on Hollywood Boulevard. He alleges that when attempting to change lanes, the right front wheel crumpled and flew off the car, causing his vehicle to skid across the sidewalk and into a tree. The lawsuit includes photos of the damaged vehicle and tree.


Massoud has hired attorney Kevin K. Javidzad at Colony Law and alleges that he has suffered personal injuries and totaled his Tesla 3 as a result of the crash. Massoud says the blame for the incident lies directly with Tesla. TMZ reached out to Tesla for comment but received no response.

Tesla critics on social media, known as $TslaQ, document problems with Tesla wheels. The description in Massoud’s lawsuit closely mirrors a phenomenon $TslaQ calls “whomp wheels.”

Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 2:41 p.m. No.6655139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5234 >>5307 >>5363 >>5481 >>5603 >>5613

Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre


President Trump made an unscheduled visit to an evangelical megachurch in Vienna, Va., to pray for the victims of Friday's mass shooting in Virginia Beach, Va., where 12 people and the gunman were killed.


Trump stopped by

McLean Bible Church

Sunday, where he stood on the stage, head bowed, and with his hair lacking its customary careful styling. Lead pastor David Platt, holding a Bible in his right hand, placed his left hand on the president’s back and began to pray.

“We stand right now on behalf of our president and we pray for your grace and your mercy and your wisdom upon him,” Platt said. He also prayed to give Trump’s family strength and wisdom and prayed for leaders at the national and state levels.


After applause from the congregation, Trump walked back off stage without making any remarks.


“President Donald J. Trump is visiting McLean Bible Church in Vienna, VA, to visit with the Pastor and pray for the victims and community of Virginia Beach,” White House Deputy Spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6655269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5307 >>5363 >>5481 >>5603 >>5613

HUGE: Evidence and Actions Indicate Mueller Gang Is Illegally Withholding Brady Material from General Flynn and His Attorneys!


As the Mueller Gang misses the timeline for providing all information to General Flynn related to his case, the gang’s crimes are coming to the surface.

The judge overseeing the General Flynn case, Judge Emmet Sullivan, requested that the Mueller team provide all information related to the General Flynn case that the defendant is legally required to be provided. The first line of the Judge’s order states –


The Pursuant to Brady v. Maryland , 373 U.S. 83 (1963), and its progeny, the government has a continuing obligation to produce all evidence required by the law and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.


Mueller’s team was required to provide all this information to General Flynn in a timely manner but it now appears they didn’t provide it.

For example, Mueller ignored the court order by not providing the transcript of General Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which was the reason Flynn was questioned in the White House within a week of the inauguration.

This questioning by corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok led to Flynn’s firing from the incoming Trump administration and to his indictment by the Mueller gang.Mueller and his ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann have a history of withholding Brady material in their court cases.

Former US Attorney Sidney Powell was on with Mark Levin and she discussed the criminal actions these two took in their actions with Enron, Arthur Andersen and Merrill Lynch in the 2000’s.


Mueller has also edited the information in its bogus 400+ page report recently released. This was addressed late in the week when President Trump’s attorney’s call to Flynn was released. This report showed that Mueller edited out key parts in their report that were beneficial to the President and General Flynn.

For some reason, Mueller has not been asked to testify in front of a single Republican led committee in the US Senate.

This would no doubt lead to more crimes and the uncovering of Mueller misdeeds. The reason for this is unknown as Americans are begging for justice in regards to the Mueller investigation.

Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 3:17 p.m. No.6655378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 killed after ‘Israeli missiles’ strike Syrian military airbase in Homs, day after IDF raids


Several missiles have been fired at Syrian Arab Air Force Tiyas Airbase, located in the Homs Governorate, killing at least one soldier, just a day after Israel conducted raids against multiple Syrian military targets.


Two projectiles were intercepted by the air defense systems, activated to address the threat. However, at least one person was killed and two others injured, Sana reports. Infrastructure and equipment at the facility, also known as the T-4 Airbase, also suffered damage in what appears to be an Israeli attack, military sources said.


The strikes came less than 24 hours after Israel confirmed unleashing ‘retaliatory’ strikes against Syrian army’s artillery batteries, observation posts and air defense units, using warplanes and combat helicopters. Those strikes came in response to two rockets, allegedly fired from Syrian territory towards Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Saturday night.


Syrian air defense forces have engaged IAF warplanes on numerous occasions throughout the course of the years-long conflict, as Israel continues to justify its raids as a necessary measure to contain Iran’s and Tehran's proxy presence inside Syria. Previous strikes on late Saturday evening were ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stressed that Israel will “react with great force against all aggression against us.”


Damascus views regular Israeli cross border intrusions as direct violations of its sovereignty and has repeatedly asked the UN to step in and intervene to stop the attacks.


Am so confused about the Middle East situation.

Anonymous ID: 8900a5 June 2, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.6655472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Updated story on Cruise ship v dock in Venice


"The MSC ship had an engine failure, which was immediately reported by the captain," Davide Calderan, head of a tugboat company involved in accompanying the ship into its berth, told Italian media.


"The engine was blocked, but with its thrust on, because the speed was increasing," he said.


The two tug boats that had been guiding the ship into the Giudecca tried to slow it, but one of the chains linking them to the giant snapped under the pressure, he added.