Anonymous ID: d97ea4 June 2, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6655014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6654736 lb

Mueller's job was to oversee the SC, which was empaneled to harass Trump, basically.

This was predictable - the SC. Mueller was put in charge because he is a conflicted person who the deep state could plausibly believe is on their side.


I am actually playing against "our side" by trying to clear up the confusion - but I am an independent actor here, and the package has already been delivered.


Mueller was given radically expanded powers… Why? To shut down parallel investigations by the dems. Only one investigation into collusion; no do-overs. Meanwhile, other investigators were investigating FISA and other issues. Anything Mueller found was referred to them. No parallel construction.


Mueller's statements were specifically designed to play things into the hands of Congress. The dems wanted Mueller to say: "I think the President committed obstruction" so that they could claim, during impeachment, that they were acting on the advice of Mueller. Mueller has said "the report speaks for itself. I left it open for you to do whatever it is you feel is necessary, but it is your interpretation, not mine."


This also infuriated Comey and Bannon, as now the question has become just who argued for the dossier to be included in FISA. I'm not as familiar with how all of that works out - but it's a direct result of Mueller's statements that Bannon and Comey are now playing hot potato with the steele dossier.


Mueller has walked the razor's edge very, very well. For people who are "nowfags" and don't understand that timing is everything - Mueller appears to be a bad guy. Mueller is deliberately in the thick of the shit and will, as history plays out before us, continually be the one who has sold the deep state the rope to hang themselves and kept the evidence they knew they were ordering others to break the law while using the system to make it appear legal.