Wow impressive
Careful with WeAreChange… this guy gets access to people nobody else will ever get the chance, he gloooows.
He misspelled Israel
Well, to be honest, that would solve all our problems. They would nuke the rest of the world and it would all be over. You wouldn’t be able to shill here after that though…
A templer‘s cross, four fleur de lis‘ and a crown. Couldn’t be more symbolic
The guy right next to Hitler looks like Nigel Farage
Ever watched the movie True Lies? ETS is this guy:
I don’t give a fuck. I simply always feel the need to mock everyone mentioning ETS, exclusively.
Here we go, the last rogue elements using their chemical weapons. Assad gave all of them up.
Try harder, that’s even lower than pathetic. Jew like to jewse the word jew? Incredible.