Anonymous ID: d09cc3 June 2, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.6655951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hudson Yards is the largest private real estate development in the history of the United States

Were the WTC towers chosen as the site for the 'mass casualty event'

all for a fucking real estate deal?

Possibly. I kid you not. Follow these weird and even symbolic connections.


The 1997 Project for the New American Century spoke wistfully of a 'new Pearl Harbor' to galvanize public support for American wars to maintain global dominance. One of the PNAC's four directors, alongside the likes of John Bolton, was Devon Gaffney Cross. But the mass casualty event could have been anywhere. Why the WTC?


Devon Gaffney married Loren Jeffrey "Jay" Cross around June 1989. Jay Cross, at the time, was the general manager of real-estate operations at the Prudential Insurance Company of America in Toronto. He graduated from the University of Toronto and received a master's degree in architectural technology at Columbia University. Mr. Cross holds a Bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Toronto.


On July 26, 2000, the New York Jets announced that they were hiring Cross, a veteran real estate developer, to look into a new stadium development. The three-time Olympic yachter has a master’s degree from Columbia, and was responsible for developing Miami’s American Airlines Arena and Toronto’s Air Canada Center. Cross went on to join New York Jets LLC in a higher capacity as President in 2001.


Jay Cross resigned as president of the New York Jets in 2008. He accepted a position as president of Related Hudson Yards, heading a multibillion-dollar plan to build office towers, apartment buildings, a school, shops and parks over rail yards along the Hudson River. Hudson Yards is part of a stretch of construction along the Hudson River from Columbus Circle to the World Trade Center.


Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg had wanted the West Side rail yards to become the site of a domed stadium that could host the 2012 Olympics and later be a home for the NFL's Jets, but political and logistical hurdles ultimately killed those plans in favor of a mixed-use, commercial and residential neighborhood. How convenient.