Anonymous ID: dd72ac June 2, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.6655918   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>It works like this. SOME people led productive lives, others, like the radical leftists from the 60's and 70's went into politics and became teachers so that they would push their communist/socialist agenda. They were pretty successful unfortunately.


>Try a little discernment. SOME did indeed cause many of the problems listed here, but not ALL of them. So stop painting with such a broad brush is what I would say. Target the ones who actually caused the problems rather then blaming the whole group just because they happened to be born around the same time.


Lefties, righties, dummies, all unwitting pawns. The entire infrastructure used to create cog and tools for the machine, through the educational system, media in all its forms, the workplace and other social environments, in this latest iteration built by the latest overlords, the Rockefellers. Misplaced credit given to people who really don't know why the fuck they do what they do. It's been going on forevah.


The National Guard was called out to force parents to send their children to "public" schools when they were first established, BTW.