Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools
Researcher, author, and teacher Alex Newman exposes how the globalists, utopians, socialist, totalitarians and the UN are using public schools to undermine freedom and Christianity.
Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools
Researcher, author, and teacher Alex Newman exposes how the globalists, utopians, socialist, totalitarians and the UN are using public schools to undermine freedom and Christianity.
That is one interpretation but scripture, as I understand, does not support it.
In Genesis 6 we read about the elohim (angles) mating with human women and producing the Nephilim which were Giants and Mighty Men.
There is nothing in scripture that suggests Cain was a Nephilim.
Such a big heart Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood
Don't cut off all federal funds to Planned Parenthood
Don't ban all late-term abortions; exceptions needed
Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP.
Voted NO on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions.
Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.
Opposes prohibiting human embryonic stem cell research.
Supports federal abortion funding.
No wonder that he was #meToo'd before fasctags were a thing.