>It's funny that Finkelfag has nothing to say about this
Babylonian rabbi Abe Finkelstein finally tells the truth about them and their false god!
How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.
Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz
You seem to have missed the part where Jews aren't a religionโฆ Dumb fuck.
>>6657797โ- JIDF SHILLNote Id.
Keep hope alive kike, your time is almost up.
>>6657924โ JIDF SHILL
>>6657924โ JIDF SHILL
>Q is 100% correct, the evil is everywhere and the jewish influence on that evil must be able to be exposed for the entire picture to unravel.
>Newfags need to see that adding the JQ to the puzzle completes the pyramid. Remember this?
>+ Soros
>++ Rothschild
>+++ Saudis