>>6657191 (lb)
I hope the anon feels as much joy seeing it reposted as I did seeing it for the first time!
This one is cool too.
>>6657191 (lb)
I hope the anon feels as much joy seeing it reposted as I did seeing it for the first time!
This one is cool too.
Nice some low grade psychological attack.
You really need to stop using the name Intelligence.
It is insulting to those with.
Trying this hard..
Not fooling anyone there moshe
Anons dealt with defango in the first waves of famefaggots like bakers union faggot breadbox nigger.
How dense do you get? Look at your paper trail faggot. Anyone can just click your ID: xxxxxx and highlight your line of posts and know you're retarded and full of shit.
Try harder or get a new IP you fucked up dad's truck.
JIDF loves newfags to snowball their control narrative.
It's strange to think that some of them don't even think, how come you NEVER see JQ other than here? Why would Q post to a bunch of nazi posting shit talking supposed degenerates if there wasn't a hidden genius behind it? A method to the madness.
This is basically what is happening between oldfags vs shabbos newfags and jidf.
To tip the scales in favor of the brigade Q came to ask for assistance.
A mind will more readily accept information which is backed and understood by a respectable and creditable source.
Q's greatest gift to /pol/ is validation.
Q said you forgot how to fight?
Unlikely, anons are masters of influence.
All your base are belong to us.
Being this fucking new, holy shit anon get your shit together.
Q is 100% correct, the evil is everywhere and the jewish influence on that evil must be able to be exposed for the entire picture to unravel.
Newfags need to see that adding the JQ to the puzzle completes the pyramid. Remember this?
++ Rothschild
+++ Saudis