>Is this guy the Highest Ranking Shill?
>>6658156 ←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.
>So it's not just the picture, Finkelstein's entire background is a fraud.
>I have no desire to shut you down.
>I cannot shut you down.
>You have a right to speak.
>As do I.
>Do you like my free speech?
>Do you support my free speech?
>Yeah, so Finkelstein is a lie.
No, yeah, I'm sure it is.
Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited The Hidden Cult
>>6658233 ←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.
>o why not repeatedly post that one instead of one that doesn't survive the smallest bit of scrutiny?
>The burden of proof is on the person making wacky claims, not the people reacting to those claims.
The video is accompanied by many supporting facts, articles, and videos.
You are the one showing up empty handed.
>>6658298 ←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.
>>6658317 ←- JIDF SHILL
>>6658336 ←- JIDF SHILL