Anonymous ID: b514e0 June 2, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6658248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6656528 (PB)

I trust both to do what they think best for their own country. That is all that can be asked of any national leader.

I would not, however, want to stand between Putin and something he wanted.

>>6656489 (PB)

Sweat it not. SC should have been "SCOTUS". We've been using SC for Special Counsel. Not your fault.


Ummm … jeebus rides a palomino … what happened to Anons who actually comprehend English?

Pic of Pompeo is from Hanoi. March? April?. "Dead" Kim Yong Choi attended a performance "somewhere" (maybe) but this photo is NOT from today.

Just a moment's reflection should tell you why AFP deleted the tweet.

<bangs head on desk because it feels better than reading this crap>

>>6656817 (PB)

Good start. Keep going.