>Better than finkefag anon, thanks!
No kidding! Filtering that fucker and his clones became part of my every bread ritual for weeks or months, it feels like.
>it's like… an auto response to filter them as soon as I see the images.
Unfortunately, that works in their favor, too. It's a lose-lose situation. If we reply to them, we are wasting bread and encouraging their behavior. If we don't reply to them, then it gives the appearance that their statements are unchallenged and accepted as part of our culture. This is used by mainstream media figures to write hit pieces about us.
Ultimately, I am bored sick of them and so I filter them… but I really wish we had some other "final solution" to get rid of the spam.
>this fucking captcha every post didn't do shit.
I disagree with that statement. It greatly, greatly reduced Ebot spam and a few other specific morons that used to post 20-30 per bread before. It also seems to have chased away a few of the more annoying, older, less-articulate, less-intelligent anons who also talked way too much in proportion to the strength of their ideas.
That it did not curtail Finkelstein Guy or any of his clones tells us more about them. We know they are either well-funded shills who are being paid or can afford to pay others to solve captchas, or that they are private citizens that are very dedicated to their particular ideas and ideologies. Finkelstein Guy used to respond to my criticisms, and gave me the impression that he believed what he was posting and thought it was important stuff. However, he did not react to any of those criticisms–too much spam, bad optics, repetitive, fueling hit pieces against the board–so I would not go so far as to ascribe any positive motivations to him.
Captcha was not without its benefits.
>someone snuck in by hiding in Stacey Abrams's tooth gap
"Someone?" Who, an elephant and six circus clowns?
Five to one says this witness dies in a car accident just like the Vegas shooting victims who reported gunfire coming from the ground level, and the 2 Parkland survivors that "committed suicide"
>Too many of you naive fucks on here just have diarrhea of the mouth
It's true, most people are not as well-versed with the facts of these cases as they should be. Since you have that information well in hand, it is good that you've come here to post corrections and clarifications.
If you could just keep posting as often as your free time allows, that'd be great.
>two breads now…
>saucless divisive rhetoric
>Well, we are waiting
Check it out, guys. He makes a reply that doesn't have anything to do with my message. Malfunctioning bot, or something wrong with his brain? You decide. But either way, he's replied to my post thanking the one dude for setting the record straight about U1 by complaining… that I didn't provide sauce?
>Disclaimer in big big letters at the end of the dough
That's not a terrible idea, but the MSM will ignore it and the normies will never look past what the MSM chooses to show them. I realize banning is not really an option either because A) it's a free speech board, and B) IP hopping is not difficult, but fuck I'm so tired of that same "Anti-semitic? It's a trick" spam
>next shift i will have done the research. see you then.
Roger that, thank you. I know some parts of what he mentioned are true–the fact that Mueller delivered a small sample of uranium for verification purposes, for example. Not sure about 100% of it…
>Sauce expected from op you replied to…
I see. You should have replied to him, you confused me.
>nice as some of them were kek
I hope you'll forgive me for wasting 1 slice of bread on tits now and then! I know they give me courage. I hope the same is true of others.
>these assholes who are leaking real AND fake shit to Fake News are literally causing WW issues
Not to mention BHO, John Kerry, and various Senior Executive Service (Obama holdovers that cannot legally be fired) urging foreign leaders to resist Trump and delay negotiations until he's out of office.
That alone fits the defintion of Treason, as I see it; adhering to our enemies, giving them comfort, assisting them in advancing their own agendas at the expense of our national security and economic strategies.
Pass out the blindfolds and cigars, in my opinion.
The burden of proof is on the person making wacky claims, not the people reacting to those claims.
>astonished at decade plus of corruption they’re involved with and unpunished
Yeah, especially Comey running off and ratting around at HSBC and Lockheed Martin. Even Snopes admits that there was mega shady shit going on between Comey, Clinton, and her donors.
>How much money did James Comey make from Lockheed Martin in his last year with the company, which he left in 2010? More than $6 million in compensation.
>Lockheed Martin is a Clinton Foundation donor. The company admitted to becoming a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010.
>According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.
>In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.
>It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation
They call her out on it, but they don't drive in the spear very hard.
I wasted so much time trying to understand that thing and use it for good… but over time I realized they would just draw a line through the clock and go ape-shit whenever their line intersected a number that was found somewhere in a Q post or a Trump tweet–any number. Holy shit! This post contains the number 20 in the seconds field and was made on a date that aligns on the clock with March 20th of last year!
Braindead bullshit just like gematria\numerology.
>Sleepy Joe implicated in . . . Ukraine
Oh, no joke. Joe Biden is so balls deep in Ukraine. He bullied them into firing a lead prosecutor because this man was looking into his son's company's connections. Even bragged about it. There's a lot more, too. I am working from memory…
>has NOTHING to do with the timestamp
That's what you're saying, and maybe that's true for some of the (better?) clockfag posts, but I want to say 85% of them were just random lines drawn through the clock and random matching numbers circled, with no supporting evidence or explanation of why those numbers mattered. Dazzling, but without substance.
>Maybe Night Shit can take care of the FE fags.
That guy vanished into the woodwork along with the heavy-posting biblefags. Probably same people. I almost never see FE posts on Night Shift anymore.
>TV used to be 2-83 but is now only 2-37
It's true. I remember ages ago with my old black-and-white 13" 80s tv, trying to watch MASH reruns or whatever asian programming was on the +70 channels at 2am.
>what is fractal time?
>what is quantum computing?
>what is remote viewing?
Stop. I can barely handle this shit when Sci-Fi shows do it. Time travel is officially off-limits to everyone except POTUS and his direct male heirs (Barron, Jr., Eric)
>A soldier has already suffered flash burns to his face as a result of the problem, which is associated with the bolts being used in left-handed variants of the Australian-built assault rifles
Well THERE'S your problem. Who the fuck lets lefties join the military?
>To add confusion so that actual good guys hesitate?
I mean, one of the witnesses at the shooting this week said he encountered the shooter himself and assumed the guy was just an actor participating in the drill. People were discussing that earlier in this bread, no?
I counter your esp with my hax!
>these fucks are going to need a miracle to beat trump in 2020
Some things are not even possible via miracles. Democrat family members groan in visible pain when I ask them how they like their options so far, and with a very little urging, readily concede "It's going to be Trump, no question."
>buuuuuut Ill give you the benefit of the doubt cuz you posted that dank batman nightshit meme
I'll concede that it's a brusque expression. o7 m8!
>Uh, anon, google mens rea.
Mens rea, or the notion that intent is required for a crime to exist, does not apply to all crimes. But yeah, saying that "I didn't know" is never a valid excuse in court, is plainly untrue.
>You make it sound like asking the JQ is a call to exterminate all jews.
Can you blame him? They have worked hard to condition the masses to think this way. Questioning or criticizing any Jew is exactly the same as initiating the shoah yourself. ANTI-SEMITISM! HE'S TRYING TO GENOCIDE US!
>teaspoon? eyedroppers
Sometimes it seems like even less than that, but only if you are unable to follow the undercurrent while also keeping all past events and their relevance in the front of your mind. That's difficult even for autists, so we come here to remind each other of everything that has happened and is still happening. It's a lot more than a casual mental check will typically refresh me on.
God bless you faggots.
>Morning from a ukanon.
I'm curious about internet speech laws over there–if you posted "kill all muslim niggers", would you get nicked for it?
>Any thoughts?
I fucking hate every time he goes to the UK. To call it a den of snakes would be unfair to the snakes of the world. They have complete control of the environment and people there–it would be effortless to stage his demise through any of 50 methods and then say "Oh, woops! Sorry, blokes!"
Pray for POTUS.
Those are pretty rare. I don't even know how to calculate just how rare they are… probably not as rare as I think.
>Incitement to murder people based on religious or ethnic divisions is not protected speech in the UK.
It's not protected speech here, either, but we also simply don't get arrested for Facebook posts unless they are something like "Hey, check out this video of my mates and I breaking into a 7-11"
In general, 13-year-olds can say whatever they want about nuking the chinks or what have you and the law won't get involved. I've heard that the cops show up at your house readily in the UK for just about any infraction, even stuff like "I dislike muslims"
>What I seriously can't handle is that IBOR hasn't gained traction one iota despite this board's 'best efforts'.
In a lot of supposedly-patriotic places, such as The_Donald, the mods will actively delete posts about the IBOR or even ban you for them (Guess it depends who's on shift?)
Approved memes only, millipedes! Ha ha! Get this nationalist a sweater!
In my defense, I only do this on night bread. There have been some nights that the bread was so slow, the baker was begging us to post tits or do whatever was necessary to fill it.